Weeknotes 2024: 13/52
I had another busy week, and I’ve realised that it makes more sense to me to do these weekly notes on Monday morning where I have more free time. Last week was a Monday, and today is a Monday, so it’ll likely be Mondays going forward.
I got some more work done with my voxel project. I’ve refactored a good chunk of the renderer CPU side to be easier to understand and work with. Previously it was all mangled into one big struct with 200 line methods. It’s much better now. I’d like to write about voxel stuff more in the future. Maybe covering some of the papers I’ve read, simplifying them so they’re not so academic. I’d have to actually implement them though so we’ll see.
Last week I talked about my job a bit, and mentioned that I only work 3 days a week. Well I’ve sort of taken on a bit of a QA role for a project, so I might be doing a full 5 days for the next couple of weeks/months. It’ll probably mean that I get less personal stuff done and these weekly notes will get shorter, but it’s a reasonably fun project and the extra money won’t hurt.
My plan with Fridays was to do speedrun streams in the morning, then go cycling and do some programming in the afternoon. However, on Friday I woke up and just couldn’t be bothered to do anything and decided to take a rest day. It was probably a good decision because the weekend was super busy.
The previous weekend was my sister’s birthday and my niece’s birthday party. This weekend was my niece’s actual birthday, my brothers birthday, and Easter. It was fun, but today I feel like crap. Mostly because I ate awfully. I’m generally a pretty healthy eater, but I mostly ate chocolate, cake, and takeaway over the weekend and my body is really feeling it now. Today might be another rest day, we’ll see.