;THIEF THE DARK PROJECT Name_AirPotion: "Breath Potion" Name_AirTalisman: "Talisman of Air" Name_AncientHammer: "Ancient Hammer" Name_Apple: "Apple" Name_BaffordScepter: "Lord Bafford's Scepter" Name_Blackjack: "Blackjack" Name_bone: "Bone" Name_bones: "Bones" Name_Bottle: "Bottle" Name_Bowl: "Bowl" Name_BreadLoaf: "Loaf" Name_broadhead: "Broadhead Arrow" Name_Candle: "Candle" Name_Carrots: "Carrots" Name_Cheese: "Cheese" Name_Chisel: "Chisel" Name_Corpse: "Corpse" Name_Crate: "Crate" Name_Cucumber: "Cucumber" Name_DeerLeg: "Deer Leg" Name_EarthArrow: "Moss Arrow" Name_EarthTalisman: "Talisman of Earth" Name_ExplosiveCharge: "Explosive Charge" Name_FakeEye: "Fake Eye" Name_firearr: "Fire Arrow" Name_FireTalisman: "Talisman of Fire" Name_Flashbomb: "Flash Bomb" Name_Food: "Food" Name_GasArrow: "Gas Arrow" Name_GasMine: "Gas Mine" Name_Gear: "Gear" Name_Goblet: "Goblet" Name_GoldBone: "Golden Bone" Name_H2OTalisman: "Talisman of Water" Name_Hammers: "Hammer" Name_HandOGlory: "Hand of Glory" Name_HealingPotion: "Healing Potion" Name_HolyH2O: "Holy Water" Name_Jar: "Canister" Name_key: "Key" Name_LCCanopic: "Canopic Jar" Name_LockPick: "Lock Pick" Name_SqLockPick: "Square-toothed Lockpick" Name_TrLockPick: "Triangle-toothed Lockpick" Name_BothPicks: "Lock Picks" Name_LostCityJar: "Jar" Name_Medallion: "Medallion" Name_Mine: "Mine" Name_multimold: "MultiMold" Name_noise: "Noisemaker Arrow" Name_Pan: "Cooking Pot" Name_Papyrus: "Papyrus" Name_Pick: "Pick" Name_PlainVase: "Vase" Name_Plate: "Plate" Name_Potted1: "Potted Plant" Name_PrizedFirePoker: "Fireplace Poker" Name_Quintus: "Horn of Quintus" Name_RopeArrow: "Rope Arrow" Name_Rosary: "Rosary Beads" Name_Rubble: "Rubble" Name_Scroll: "Scroll" Name_Skillet: "Skillet" Name_Skull: "Skull" Name_StoneHammer: "Stone Hammer" Name_Swords: "Sword" Name_TheEye: "The Eye" Name_Tray: "Tray" Name_Utensil: "Knife" Name_water: "Water Arrow" Name_water_holyarrow: "Holy Water Arrow" Name_Webs: "Webs" Name_WoodSpoon: "Spoon" Name_WoodBowl: "Wooden Bowl" Name_FelixNotes: "Felix's Notes" Name_HotTip: "Hot Tip" Name_Tip: "Tip" Name_Bedroll: "Bedroll" Name_PrayBook: "Prayer Book" Name_ConSword: "Constantine's Sword" Name_GemCutter: "The GemCutter" Name_BuildChisel: "The Builder's Chisel" Name_SwordHilt: "Sword Hilt" Name_JunkLever: "Lever Handle" Name_Lever: "Lever" Name_TheTalismans: "Talismans" Name_Doorknob: "Doorknob" Name_CeremonialHammer: "Holy Symbol" Name_corpse: "Corpse" Name_BlessedHammer: "Blessed Holy Symbol" Name_Fruit: "Fruit" Name_Coins: "Coins" Name_WCKey: "Wine Cellar Key" Name_CemKey: "Cemetery Key" Name_ArmoryKey: "Armory Key" Name_Martello: "Brother Martello" Name_Renault: "Brother Renault" Name_HighPriest: "High Priest" Name_Basso: "Basso" Name_UncBody: "Unconscious Body" Name_SpeedPotion: "Speed Potion" Name_Hallpass: "Novice Credentials" Name_ckey: "Courtyard Key" Name_srkey: "Storage Room Key" Name_crkey: "Basement Key" Name_compass: "Compass" Name_pickhelp: "Lockpicking Instructions" Name_ktkey: "Kitchen Key" ;THIEF GOLD Name_Spectacles: "Archmage Spectacles" Name_MageMedal2: "Medallion of St. Burringden" Name_SilverBracelet: "Silver Bracelet" Name_SapphireVase: "Sapphire Vase" Name_SilverFlute: "Silver Flute" Name_OperaGlasses: "Opera Glasses" Name_Sandbag: "Sandbag" Name_Vines: "Crushing Vines" Name_WaterKey: "Water Key" Name_AirKey: "Air Key" Name_FireKey: "Fire Key" Name_EarthKey: "Earth Key" Name_restkey: "Restaurant Key" Name_casino: "Casino Key" Name_house: "House Key" Name_safekey: "Safe Key" Name_frkey: "Front Door Key" Name_trkey: "Treasure Key"