168 lines
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168 lines
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## This is statechart. It contains a root state (commonly a compound or parallel state) and is the entry point for
## the state machine.
class_name StateChart
extends Node
## The the remote debugger
const DebuggerRemote = preload("utilities/editor_debugger/editor_debugger_remote.gd")
## Emitted when the state chart receives an event. This will be
## emitted no matter which state is currently active and can be
## useful to trigger additional logic elsewhere in the game
## without having to create a custom event bus. It is also used
## by the state chart debugger. Note that this will emit the
## events in the order in which they are processed, which may
## be different from the order in which they were received. This is
## because the state chart will always finish processing one event
## fully before processing the next. If an event is received
## while another is still processing, it will be enqueued.
signal event_received(event:StringName)
## Flag indicating if this state chart should be tracked by the
## state chart debugger in the editor.
@export var track_in_editor:bool = false
## The root state of the state chart.
var _state:State = null
## This dictonary contains known properties used in expression guards. Use the
## [method set_expression_property] to add properties to this dictionary.
var _expression_properties:Dictionary = {
## A list of events which are still pending resolution.
var _queued_events:Array[StringName] = []
## Flag indicating if the state chart is currently processing an
## event. Until an event is fully processed, new events will be queued
## and then processed later.
var _event_processing_active:bool = false
var _queued_transitions:Array[Dictionary] = []
var _transitions_processing_active:bool = false
var _debugger_remote:DebuggerRemote = null
func _ready() -> void:
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
# check if we have exactly one child that is a state
if get_child_count() != 1:
push_error("StateChart must have exactly one child")
# check if the child is a state
var child = get_child(0)
if not child is State:
push_error("StateMachine's child must be a State")
# initialize the state machine
_state = child as State
# enter the state
# if we are in an editor build and this chart should be tracked
# by the debugger, create a debugger remote
if track_in_editor and OS.has_feature("editor"):
_debugger_remote = DebuggerRemote.new(self)
## Sends an event to this state chart. The event will be passed to the innermost active state first and
## is then moving up in the tree until it is consumed. Events will trigger transitions and actions via emitted
## signals. There is no guarantee when the event will be processed. The state chart
## will process the event as soon as possible but there is no guarantee that the
## event will be fully processed when this method returns.
func send_event(event:StringName) -> void:
if not is_instance_valid(_state):
push_error("StateMachine is not initialized")
if _event_processing_active:
# the state chart is currently processing an event
# therefore queue the event and process it later.
# enable the reentrance lock for event processing
_event_processing_active = true
# first process this event.
_state._process_transitions(event, false)
# if other events have accumulated while the event was processing
# process them in order now
while _queued_events.size() > 0:
var next_event = _queued_events.pop_front()
_state._process_transitions(next_event, false)
_event_processing_active = false
## Allows states to queue a transition for running. This will eventually run the transition
## once all currently running transitions have finished. States should call this method
## when they want to transition away from themselves.
func _run_transition(transition:Transition, source:State):
# if we are currently inside of a transition, queue it up
if _transitions_processing_active:
_queued_transitions.append({transition : source})
# we can only transition away from a currently active state
# if for some reason the state no longer is active, ignore the transition
_do_run_transition(transition, source)
# if we still have transitions
while _queued_transitions.size() > 0:
var next_transition_entry = _queued_transitions.pop_front()
var next_transition = next_transition_entry.keys()[0]
var next_transition_source = next_transition_entry[next_transition]
_do_run_transition(next_transition, next_transition_source)
## Runs the transition. Used internally by the state chart, do not call this directly.
func _do_run_transition(transition:Transition, source:State):
if source.active:
# Notify interested parties that the transition is about to be taken
source._handle_transition(transition, source)
_warn_not_active(transition, source)
func _warn_not_active(transition:Transition, source:State):
push_warning("Ignoring request for transitioning from ", source.name, " to ", transition.to, " as the source state is no longer active. Check whether your trigger multiple state changes within a single frame.")
## Sets a property that can be used in expression guards. The property will be available as a global variable
## with the same name. E.g. if you set the property "foo" to 42, you can use the expression "foo == 42" in
## an expression guard.
func set_expression_property(name:StringName, value) -> void:
_expression_properties[name] = value
# run a property change event through the state chart to run automatic transitions
_state._process_transitions(&"", true)
## Calls the `step` function in all active states. Used for situations where `state_processing` and
## `state_physics_processing` don't make sense (e.g. turn-based games, or games with a fixed timestep).
func step():
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings = []
if get_child_count() != 1:
warnings.append("StateChart must have exactly one child")
var child = get_child(0)
if not child is State:
warnings.append("StateChart's child must be a State")
return warnings