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2024-02-22 19:56:13 +00:00
class_name QodotMap
extends QodotNode3D
## Builds Godot scenes from .map files
## A QodotMap node lets you define the source file for a map, as well as specify
## the definitions for entities, textures, and materials that appear in the map.
## To use this node, select an instance of the node in the Godot editor and
## select "Quick Build", "Full Build", or "Unwrap UV2" from the toolbar.
## Alternatively, call [method manual_build] from code.
## @tutorial: https://qodotplugin.github.io/docs/beginner's-guide-to-qodot/
## Force reinitialization of Qodot on map build
const DEBUG := false
## How long to wait between child/owner batches
const YIELD_DURATION := 0.0
## Emitted when the build process successfully completes
signal build_complete()
## Emitted when the build process finishes a step. [code]progress[/code] is from 0.0-1.0
signal build_progress(step, progress)
## Emitted when the build process fails
signal build_failed()
## Emitted when UV2 unwrapping is completed
signal unwrap_uv2_complete()
## Trenchbroom Map file to build a scene from
@export_global_file("*.map") var map_file := ""
## Ratio between Trenchbroom units in the .map file and Godot units.
## An inverse scale factor of 16 would cause 16 Trenchbroom units to correspond to 1 Godot unit. See [url=https://qodotplugin.github.io/docs/geometry.html#scale]Scale[/url] in the Qodot documentation.
@export var inverse_scale_factor := 16.0
## [QodotFGDFile] for the map.
## This resource will translate between Trenchbroom classnames and Godot scripts/scenes. See [url=https://qodotplugin.github.io/docs/entities/]Entities[/url] in the Qodot manual.
@export var entity_fgd: QodotFGDFile = load("res://addons/qodot/game_definitions/fgd/qodot_fgd.tres")
## Base directory for textures. When building materials, Qodot will search this directory for texture files matching the textures assigned to Trenchbroom faces.
@export_dir var base_texture_dir := "res://textures"
## File extensions to search for texture data.
@export var texture_file_extensions := PackedStringArray(["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp"])
## Optional. List of worldspawn layers.
## A worldspawn layer converts any brush of a certain texture to a certain kind of node. See example 1-2.
@export var worldspawn_layers: Array[QodotWorldspawnLayer]
## Optional. Path for the clip texture, relative to [member base_texture_dir].
## Brushes textured with the clip texture will be turned into invisible but solid volumes.
@export var brush_clip_texture := "special/clip"
## Optional. Path for the skip texture, relative to [member base_texture_dir].
## Faces textured with the skip texture will not be rendered.
@export var face_skip_texture := "special/skip"
## Optional. WAD files to pull textures from.
## Quake engine games are distributed with .WAD files, which are packed texture libraries. Qodot can import these files as [QuakeWadFile]s.
@export var texture_wads: Array[QuakeWadFile]
## File extensions to search for Material definitions
@export var material_file_extension := "tres"
## If true, all materials will be unshaded, i.e. will ignore light. Also known as "fullbright".
@export var unshaded := false
## Material used as template when generating missing materials.
@export var default_material : Material = StandardMaterial3D.new()
## Default albedo texture (used when [member default_material] is a [ShaderMaterial])
@export var default_material_albedo_uniform := ""
@export_category("UV Unwrap")
## Texel size for UV2 unwrapping.
## A texel size of 1 will lead to a 1:1 correspondence between texture texels and lightmap texels. Larger values will produce less detailed lightmaps. To conserve memory and filesize, use the largest value that still looks good.
@export var uv_unwrap_texel_size := 1.0
## If true, print profiling data before and after each build step
@export var print_profiling_data := false
## If true, Qodot will build a hierarchy from Trenchbroom groups, each group being a node. Otherwise, Qodot nodes will ignore Trenchbroom groups and have a flat structure.
@export var use_trenchbroom_group_hierarchy := false
## If true, stop the whole editor until build is complete
@export var block_until_complete := false
## How many nodes to set the owner of, or add children of, at once. Higher values may lead to quicker build times, but a less responsive editor.
@export var set_owner_batch_size := 1000
# Build context variables
var qodot = null
var profile_timestamps := {}
var add_child_array := []
var set_owner_array := []
var should_add_children := true
var should_set_owners := true
var texture_list := []
var texture_loader = null
var texture_dict := {}
var texture_size_dict := {}
var material_dict := {}
var entity_definitions := {}
var entity_dicts := []
var worldspawn_layer_dicts := []
var entity_mesh_dict := {}
var worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict := {}
var entity_nodes := []
var worldspawn_layer_nodes := []
var entity_mesh_instances := {}
var entity_occluder_instances := {}
var worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances := {}
var entity_collision_shapes := []
var worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes := []
# Overrides
func _ready() -> void:
if not DEBUG:
if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
if verify_parameters():
# Utility
## Verify that Qodot is functioning and that [member map_file] exists. If so, build the map. If not, signal [signal build_failed]
func verify_and_build():
if verify_parameters():
## Build the map.
func manual_build():
should_add_children = false
should_set_owners = false
## Return true if parameters are valid; Qodot should be functioning and [member map_file] should exist.
func verify_parameters():
if not qodot or DEBUG:
qodot = load("res://addons/qodot/src/core/qodot.gd").new()
if not qodot:
push_error("Error: Failed to load qodot.")
return false
if map_file == "":
push_error("Error: Map file not set")
return false
if not FileAccess.file_exists(map_file):
push_error("Error: No such file %s" % map_file)
return false
return true
## Reset member variables that affect the current build
func reset_build_context():
add_child_array = []
set_owner_array = []
texture_list = []
texture_loader = null
texture_dict = {}
texture_size_dict = {}
material_dict = {}
entity_definitions = {}
entity_dicts = []
worldspawn_layer_dicts = []
entity_mesh_dict = {}
worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict = {}
entity_nodes = []
worldspawn_layer_nodes = []
entity_mesh_instances = {}
entity_occluder_instances = {}
worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances = {}
entity_collision_shapes = []
worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes = []
build_step_index = 0
build_step_count = 0
if qodot:
qodot = load("res://addons/qodot/src/core/qodot.gd").new()
## Record the start time of a build step for profiling
func start_profile(item_name: String) -> void:
if print_profiling_data:
profile_timestamps[item_name] = Time.get_unix_time_from_system()
## Finish profiling for a build step; print associated timing data
func stop_profile(item_name: String) -> void:
if print_profiling_data:
if item_name in profile_timestamps:
var delta: float = Time.get_unix_time_from_system() - profile_timestamps[item_name]
print("Done in %s sec.\n" % snapped(delta, 0.01))
## Run a build step. [code]step_name[/code] is the method corresponding to the step, [code]params[/code] are parameters to pass to the step, and [code]func_name[/code] does nothing.
func run_build_step(step_name: String, params: Array = [], func_name: String = ""):
if func_name == "":
func_name = step_name
var result = callv(step_name, params)
return result
## Add [code]node[/code] as a child of parent, or as a child of [code]below[/code] if non-null. Also queue for ownership assignment.
func add_child_editor(parent, node, below = null) -> void:
var prev_parent = node.get_parent()
if prev_parent:
if below:
## Set the owner of [code]node[/code] to the current scene.
func set_owner_editor(node):
var tree := get_tree()
if not tree:
var edited_scene_root := tree.get_edited_scene_root()
if not edited_scene_root:
var build_step_index := 0
var build_step_count := 0
var build_steps := []
var post_attach_steps := []
## Register a build step.
## [code]build_step[/code] is a string that corresponds to a method on this class, [code]arguments[/code] a list of arguments to pass to this method, and [code]target[/code] is a property on this class to save the return value of the build step in. If [code]post_attach[/code] is true, the step will be run after the scene hierarchy is completed.
func register_build_step(build_step: String, arguments := [], target := "", post_attach := false) -> void:
(post_attach_steps if post_attach else build_steps).append([build_step, arguments, target])
build_step_count += 1
## Run all build steps. Emits [signal build_progress] after each step.
## If [code]post_attach[/code] is true, run post-attach steps instead and signal [signal build_complete] when finished.
func run_build_steps(post_attach := false) -> void:
var target_array = post_attach_steps if post_attach else build_steps
while target_array.size() > 0:
var build_step = target_array.pop_front()
emit_signal("build_progress", build_step[0], float(build_step_index + 1) / float(build_step_count))
var scene_tree := get_tree()
if scene_tree and not block_until_complete:
await get_tree().create_timer(YIELD_DURATION).timeout
var result = run_build_step(build_step[0], build_step[1])
var target = build_step[2]
if target != "":
set(target, result)
build_step_index += 1
if scene_tree and not block_until_complete:
await get_tree().create_timer(YIELD_DURATION).timeout
if post_attach:
## Register all steps for the build. See [method register_build_step] and [method run_build_steps]
func register_build_steps() -> void:
register_build_step('fetch_texture_list', [], 'texture_list')
register_build_step('init_texture_loader', [], 'texture_loader')
register_build_step('load_textures', [], 'texture_dict')
register_build_step('build_texture_size_dict', [], 'texture_size_dict')
register_build_step('build_materials', [], 'material_dict')
register_build_step('fetch_entity_definitions', [], 'entity_definitions')
register_build_step('set_qodot_entity_definitions', [])
register_build_step('set_qodot_worldspawn_layers', [])
register_build_step('generate_geometry', [])
register_build_step('fetch_entity_dicts', [], 'entity_dicts')
register_build_step('fetch_worldspawn_layer_dicts', [], 'worldspawn_layer_dicts')
register_build_step('build_entity_nodes', [], 'entity_nodes')
register_build_step('build_worldspawn_layer_nodes', [], 'worldspawn_layer_nodes')
register_build_step('resolve_group_hierarchy', [])
register_build_step('build_entity_mesh_dict', [], 'entity_mesh_dict')
register_build_step('build_worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict', [], 'worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict')
register_build_step('build_entity_mesh_instances', [], 'entity_mesh_instances')
register_build_step('build_entity_occluder_instances', [], 'entity_occluder_instances')
register_build_step('build_worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances', [], 'worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances')
register_build_step('build_entity_collision_shape_nodes', [], 'entity_collision_shapes')
register_build_step('build_worldspawn_layer_collision_shape_nodes', [], 'worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes')
## Register all post-attach steps for the build. See [method register_build_step] and [method run_build_steps]
func register_post_attach_steps() -> void:
register_build_step('build_entity_collision_shapes', [], "", true)
register_build_step('build_worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes', [], "", true)
register_build_step('apply_entity_meshes', [], "", true)
register_build_step('apply_entity_occluders', [], "", true)
register_build_step('apply_worldspawn_layer_meshes', [], "", true)
register_build_step('apply_properties', [], "", true)
register_build_step('connect_signals', [], "", true)
register_build_step('remove_transient_nodes', [], "", true)
# Actions
## Build the map
func build_map() -> void:
print('Building %s\n' % map_file)
## Recursively unwrap UV2s for [code]node[/code] and its children, in preparation for baked lighting.
func unwrap_uv2(node: Node = null) -> void:
var target_node = null
if node:
target_node = node
target_node = self
print("Unwrapping mesh UV2s")
if target_node is MeshInstance3D:
var mesh = target_node.get_mesh()
if mesh is ArrayMesh:
mesh.lightmap_unwrap(Transform3D.IDENTITY, uv_unwrap_texel_size / inverse_scale_factor)
for child in target_node.get_children():
if not node:
print("Unwrap complete")
# Build Steps
## Recursively remove and delete all children of this node
func remove_children() -> void:
for child in get_children():
## Parse and load [member map_file]
func load_map() -> void:
var file: String = map_file
## Get textures found in [member map_file]
func fetch_texture_list() -> Array:
return qodot.get_texture_list() as Array
## Initialize texture loader, allowing textures in [member base_texture_dir] and [member texture_wads] to be turned into materials
func init_texture_loader() -> QodotTextureLoader:
var tex_ldr := QodotTextureLoader.new(
tex_ldr.unshaded = unshaded
return tex_ldr
## Build a dictionary from Trenchbroom texture names to their corresponding Texture2D resources in Godot
func load_textures() -> Dictionary:
return texture_loader.load_textures(texture_list) as Dictionary
## Build a dictionary from Trenchbroom texture names to Godot materials
func build_materials() -> Dictionary:
return texture_loader.create_materials(texture_list, material_file_extension, default_material, default_material_albedo_uniform)
## Collect entity definitions from [member entity_fgd], as a dictionary from Trenchbroom classnames to entity definitions
func fetch_entity_definitions() -> Dictionary:
return entity_fgd.get_entity_definitions()
## Hand the Qodot C# core the entity definitions
func set_qodot_entity_definitions() -> void:
## Hand the Qodot C# core the worldspawn layer definitions. See [member worldspawn_layers]
func set_qodot_worldspawn_layers() -> void:
## Generate geometry from map file
func generate_geometry() -> void:
## Get a list of dictionaries representing each entity from the Qodot C# core
func fetch_entity_dicts() -> Array:
return qodot.get_entity_dicts()
## Get a list of dictionaries representing each worldspawn layer from the Qodot C# core
func fetch_worldspawn_layer_dicts() -> Array:
var layer_dicts = qodot.get_worldspawn_layer_dicts()
return layer_dicts if layer_dicts else []
## Build a dictionary from Trenchbroom textures to the sizes of their corresponding Godot textures
func build_texture_size_dict() -> Dictionary:
var texture_size_dict := {}
for tex_key in texture_dict:
var texture := texture_dict[tex_key] as Texture2D
if texture:
texture_size_dict[tex_key] = texture.get_size()
texture_size_dict[tex_key] = Vector2.ONE
return texture_size_dict
## Marshall Qodot FGD definitions for transfer to libmap
func build_libmap_entity_definitions(entity_definitions: Dictionary) -> Dictionary:
var libmap_entity_definitions = {}
for classname in entity_definitions:
libmap_entity_definitions[classname] = {}
if entity_definitions[classname] is QodotFGDSolidClass:
libmap_entity_definitions[classname]['spawn_type'] = entity_definitions[classname].spawn_type
return libmap_entity_definitions
## Marshall worldspawn layer definitions for transfer to libmap
func build_libmap_worldspawn_layers(worldspawn_layers: Array) -> Array:
var libmap_worldspawn_layers := []
for worldspawn_layer in worldspawn_layers:
'name': worldspawn_layer.name,
'texture': worldspawn_layer.texture,
'node_class': worldspawn_layer.node_class,
'build_visuals': worldspawn_layer.build_visuals,
'collision_shape_type': worldspawn_layer.collision_shape_type,
'script_class': worldspawn_layer.script_class
return libmap_worldspawn_layers
## Build nodes from the entities in [member entity_dicts]
func build_entity_nodes() -> Array:
var entity_nodes := []
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_dicts.size()):
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties := entity_dict['properties'] as Dictionary
var node = QodotEntity.new()
var node_name = "entity_%s" % entity_idx
var should_add_child = should_add_children
if 'classname' in properties:
var classname = properties['classname']
node_name += "_" + classname
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition := entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDClass
if entity_definition is QodotFGDSolidClass:
if entity_definition.spawn_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.SpawnType.MERGE_WORLDSPAWN:
elif use_trenchbroom_group_hierarchy and entity_definition.spawn_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.SpawnType.GROUP:
should_add_child = false
if entity_definition.node_class != "":
node = ClassDB.instantiate(entity_definition.node_class)
elif entity_definition is QodotFGDPointClass:
if entity_definition.scene_file:
var flag = PackedScene.GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
node = entity_definition.scene_file.instantiate(flag)
elif entity_definition.node_class != "":
node = ClassDB.instantiate(entity_definition.node_class)
if 'rotation_degrees' in node and entity_definition.apply_rotation_on_map_build:
var angles := Vector3.ZERO
if 'angles' in properties or 'mangle' in properties:
var key := 'angles' if 'angles' in properties else 'mangle'
var angles_raw = properties[key]
if not angles_raw is Vector3:
angles_raw = angles_raw.split_floats(' ')
if angles_raw.size() > 2:
angles = Vector3(-angles_raw[0], angles_raw[1], -angles_raw[2])
if key == 'mangle':
if entity_definition.classname.begins_with('light'):
angles = Vector3(angles_raw[1], angles_raw[0], -angles_raw[2])
elif entity_definition.classname == 'info_intermission':
angles = Vector3(angles_raw[0], angles_raw[1], -angles_raw[2])
push_error("Invalid vector format for \'" + key + "\' in entity \'" + classname + "\'")
elif 'angle' in properties:
var angle = properties['angle']
if not angle is float:
angle = float(angle)
angles.y += angle
angles.y += 180
node.rotation_degrees = angles
if entity_definition.script_class:
node.name = node_name
if 'origin' in properties:
var origin_vec = Vector3.ZERO
var origin_comps = properties['origin'].split_floats(' ')
if origin_comps.size() > 2:
origin_vec = Vector3(origin_comps[1], origin_comps[2], origin_comps[0])
push_error("Invalid vector format for \'origin\' in " + node.name)
if "position" in node:
if node.position is Vector3:
node.position = origin_vec / inverse_scale_factor
elif node.position is Vector2:
node.position = Vector2(origin_vec.z, -origin_vec.y)
if entity_idx != 0 and "position" in node:
if node.position is Vector3:
node.position = entity_dict['center'] / inverse_scale_factor
if should_add_child:
queue_add_child(self, node)
return entity_nodes
## Build nodes from the worldspawn layers in [member worldspawn_layers]
func build_worldspawn_layer_nodes() -> Array:
var worldspawn_layer_nodes := []
for worldspawn_layer in worldspawn_layers:
var node = ClassDB.instantiate(worldspawn_layer.node_class)
node.name = "entity_0_" + worldspawn_layer.name
if worldspawn_layer.script_class:
queue_add_child(self, node, entity_nodes[0])
return worldspawn_layer_nodes
## Resolve entity group hierarchy, turning Trenchbroom groups into nodes and queueing their contents to be added to said nodes as children
func resolve_group_hierarchy() -> void:
if not use_trenchbroom_group_hierarchy:
var group_entities := {}
var owner_entities := {}
# Gather group entities and their owning children
for node_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var node = entity_nodes[node_idx]
var properties = entity_dicts[node_idx]['properties']
if not properties: continue
if not '_tb_id' in properties and not '_tb_group' in properties:
if not 'classname' in properties: continue
var classname = properties['classname']
if not classname in entity_definitions: continue
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname]
# TODO: Add clause on this line for point entities, which do not have a spawn type. Add as child of the current group owner.
if entity_definition.spawn_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.SpawnType.GROUP:
group_entities[node_idx] = node
owner_entities[node_idx] = node
var group_to_entity_map := {}
for node_idx in owner_entities:
var node = owner_entities[node_idx]
var properties = entity_dicts[node_idx]['properties']
var tb_group = properties['_tb_group']
var parent_idx = null
var parent = null
var parent_properties = null
for group_idx in group_entities:
var group_entity = group_entities[group_idx]
var group_properties = entity_dicts[group_idx]['properties']
if group_properties['_tb_id'] == tb_group:
parent_idx = group_idx
parent = group_entity
parent_properties = group_properties
if parent:
group_to_entity_map[parent_idx] = node_idx
var group_to_group_map := {}
for node_idx in group_entities:
var node = group_entities[node_idx]
var properties = entity_dicts[node_idx]['properties']
if not '_tb_group' in properties:
var tb_group = properties['_tb_group']
var parent_idx = null
var parent = null
var parent_properties = null
for group_idx in group_entities:
var group_entity = group_entities[group_idx]
var group_properties = entity_dicts[group_idx]['properties']
if group_properties['_tb_id'] == tb_group:
parent_idx = group_idx
parent = group_entity
parent_properties = group_properties
if parent:
group_to_group_map[parent_idx] = node_idx
for parent_idx in group_to_group_map:
var child_idx = group_to_group_map[parent_idx]
var parent_entity_idx = group_to_entity_map[parent_idx]
var child_entity_idx = group_to_entity_map[child_idx]
var parent = entity_nodes[parent_entity_idx]
var child = entity_nodes[child_entity_idx]
queue_add_child(parent, child, null, true)
for child_idx in group_to_entity_map:
var parent_idx = group_to_entity_map[child_idx]
var parent = entity_nodes[parent_idx]
var child = entity_nodes[child_idx]
queue_add_child(parent, child, null, true)
## Return the node associated with a Trenchbroom index. Unused.
func get_node_by_tb_id(target_id: String, entity_nodes: Dictionary):
for node_idx in entity_nodes:
var node = entity_nodes[node_idx]
if not node:
if not 'properties' in node:
var properties = node['properties']
if not '_tb_id' in properties:
var parent_id = properties['_tb_id']
if parent_id == target_id:
return node
return null
## Build [CollisionShape3D] nodes for brush entities
func build_entity_collision_shape_nodes() -> Array:
var entity_collision_shapes_arr := []
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var entity_collision_shapes := []
var entity_dict = entity_dicts[entity_idx]
var properties = entity_dict['properties']
var node := entity_nodes[entity_idx] as Node
var concave = false
if 'classname' in properties:
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition := entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDSolidClass
if entity_definition:
if entity_definition.collision_shape_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.CollisionShapeType.NONE:
elif entity_definition.collision_shape_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.CollisionShapeType.CONCAVE:
concave = true
if entity_definition.spawn_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.SpawnType.MERGE_WORLDSPAWN:
# TODO: Find the worldspawn object instead of assuming index 0
node = entity_nodes[0] as Node
if node and node is CollisionObject3D:
(node as CollisionObject3D).collision_layer = entity_definition.collision_layer
(node as CollisionObject3D).collision_mask = entity_definition.collision_mask
(node as CollisionObject3D).collision_priority = entity_definition.collision_priority
# don't create collision shapes that wont be attached to a CollisionObject3D as they are a waste
if not node or (not node is CollisionObject3D):
if concave:
var collision_shape := CollisionShape3D.new()
collision_shape.name = "entity_%s_collision_shape" % entity_idx
queue_add_child(node, collision_shape)
for brush_idx in entity_dict['brush_indices']:
var collision_shape := CollisionShape3D.new()
collision_shape.name = "entity_%s_brush_%s_collision_shape" % [entity_idx, brush_idx]
queue_add_child(node, collision_shape)
return entity_collision_shapes_arr
## Build CollisionShape3D nodes for worldspawn layers
func build_worldspawn_layer_collision_shape_nodes() -> Array:
var worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes := []
for layer_idx in range(0, worldspawn_layers.size()):
if layer_idx >= worldspawn_layer_dicts.size():
var layer = worldspawn_layers[layer_idx]
var layer_dict = worldspawn_layer_dicts[layer_idx]
var node := worldspawn_layer_nodes[layer_idx] as Node
var concave = false
var shapes := []
if layer.collision_shape_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.CollisionShapeType.NONE:
elif layer.collision_shape_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.CollisionShapeType.CONCAVE:
concave = true
if not node:
if concave:
var collision_shape := CollisionShape3D.new()
collision_shape.name = "entity_0_%s_collision_shape" % layer.name
queue_add_child(node, collision_shape)
for brush_idx in layer_dict['brush_indices']:
var collision_shape := CollisionShape3D.new()
collision_shape.name = "entity_0_%s_brush_%s_collision_shape" % [layer.name, brush_idx]
queue_add_child(node, collision_shape)
return worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes
## Build the concrete [Shape3D] resources for each brush
func build_entity_collision_shapes() -> void:
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_dicts.size()):
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties = entity_dict['properties']
var entity_position: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO
if entity_nodes[entity_idx] != null and entity_nodes[entity_idx].get("position"):
if entity_nodes[entity_idx].position is Vector3:
entity_position = entity_nodes[entity_idx].position
var entity_collision_shape = entity_collision_shapes[entity_idx]
if entity_collision_shape == null:
var concave: bool = false
var shape_margin: float = 0.04
if 'classname' in properties:
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDSolidClass
if entity_definition:
concave = false
concave = true
shape_margin = entity_definition.collision_shape_margin
if entity_collision_shapes[entity_idx] == null:
if concave:
qodot.gather_entity_concave_collision_surfaces(entity_idx, face_skip_texture)
var entity_surfaces := qodot.fetch_surfaces(inverse_scale_factor) as Array
var entity_verts := PackedVector3Array()
for surface_idx in range(0, entity_surfaces.size()):
var surface_verts = entity_surfaces[surface_idx]
if surface_verts == null:
if concave:
var vertices := surface_verts[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] as PackedVector3Array
var indices := surface_verts[Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX] as PackedInt32Array
for vert_idx in indices:
var shape_points = PackedVector3Array()
for vertex in surface_verts[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX]:
if not vertex in shape_points:
var shape = ConvexPolygonShape3D.new()
shape.margin = shape_margin
var collision_shape = entity_collision_shape[surface_idx]
if concave:
if entity_verts.size() == 0:
var shape = ConcavePolygonShape3D.new()
shape.margin = shape_margin
var collision_shape = entity_collision_shapes[entity_idx][0]
## Build the concrete [Shape3D] resources for each worldspawn layer
func build_worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes() -> void:
for layer_idx in range(0, worldspawn_layers.size()):
if layer_idx >= worldspawn_layer_dicts.size():
var layer = worldspawn_layers[layer_idx]
var concave = false
concave = false
concave = true
var layer_dict = worldspawn_layer_dicts[layer_idx]
if not worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes[layer_idx]:
var layer_surfaces := qodot.FetchSurfaces(inverse_scale_factor) as Array
var verts := PackedVector3Array()
for i in range(0, layer_dict.brush_indices.size()):
var surface_idx = layer_dict.brush_indices[i]
var surface_verts = layer_surfaces[surface_idx]
if not surface_verts:
if concave:
var vertices := surface_verts[0] as PackedVector3Array
var indices := surface_verts[8] as PackedInt32Array
for vert_idx in indices:
var shape_points = PackedVector3Array()
for vertex in surface_verts[0]:
if not vertex in shape_points:
var shape = ConvexPolygonShape3D.new()
var collision_shape = worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes[layer_idx][i]
if concave:
if verts.size() == 0:
var shape = ConcavePolygonShape3D.new()
var collision_shape = worldspawn_layer_collision_shapes[layer_idx][0]
## Build Dictionary from entity indices to [ArrayMesh] instances
func build_entity_mesh_dict() -> Dictionary:
var meshes := {}
var texture_surf_map: Dictionary
for texture in texture_dict:
texture_surf_map[texture] = Array()
var gather_task = func(i):
var texture = texture_dict.keys()[i]
texture_surf_map[texture] = qodot.gather_texture_surfaces_mt(texture, brush_clip_texture, face_skip_texture, inverse_scale_factor)
var task_id:= WorkerThreadPool.add_group_task(gather_task, texture_dict.keys().size(), 4, true)
for texture in texture_dict:
var texture_surfaces := texture_surf_map[texture] as Array
for entity_idx in range(0, texture_surfaces.size()):
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties = entity_dict['properties']
var entity_surface = texture_surfaces[entity_idx]
if 'classname' in properties:
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDSolidClass
if entity_definition:
if entity_definition.spawn_type == QodotFGDSolidClass.SpawnType.MERGE_WORLDSPAWN:
entity_surface = null
if not entity_definition.build_visuals and not entity_definition.build_occlusion:
entity_surface = null
if entity_surface == null:
if not entity_idx in meshes:
meshes[entity_idx] = ArrayMesh.new()
var mesh: ArrayMesh = meshes[entity_idx]
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(ArrayMesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, entity_surface)
mesh.surface_set_name(mesh.get_surface_count() - 1, texture)
mesh.surface_set_material(mesh.get_surface_count() - 1, material_dict[texture])
return meshes
## Build Dictionary from worldspawn layers (via textures) to [ArrayMesh] instances
func build_worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict() -> Dictionary:
var meshes := {}
for layer in worldspawn_layer_dicts:
var texture = layer.texture
qodot.gather_worldspawn_layer_surfaces(texture, brush_clip_texture, face_skip_texture)
var texture_surfaces := qodot.fetch_surfaces(inverse_scale_factor) as Array
var mesh: Mesh = null
if not texture in meshes:
meshes[texture] = ArrayMesh.new()
mesh = meshes[texture]
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(ArrayMesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, texture_surfaces[0])
mesh.surface_set_name(mesh.get_surface_count() - 1, texture)
mesh.surface_set_material(mesh.get_surface_count() - 1, material_dict[texture])
return meshes
## Build [MeshInstance3D]s from brush entities and add them to the add child queue
func build_entity_mesh_instances() -> Dictionary:
var entity_mesh_instances := {}
for entity_idx in entity_mesh_dict:
var use_in_baked_light = false
var shadow_casting_setting := GeometryInstance3D.SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED
var render_layers: int = 1
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties = entity_dict['properties']
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDSolidClass
if entity_definition:
if not entity_definition.build_visuals:
if entity_definition.use_in_baked_light:
use_in_baked_light = true
elif '_shadow' in properties:
if properties['_shadow'] == "1":
use_in_baked_light = true
shadow_casting_setting = entity_definition.shadow_casting_setting
render_layers = entity_definition.render_layers
if not entity_mesh_dict[entity_idx]:
var mesh_instance := MeshInstance3D.new()
mesh_instance.name = 'entity_%s_mesh_instance' % entity_idx
mesh_instance.gi_mode = MeshInstance3D.GI_MODE_STATIC if use_in_baked_light else GeometryInstance3D.GI_MODE_DISABLED
mesh_instance.cast_shadow = shadow_casting_setting
mesh_instance.layers = render_layers
queue_add_child(entity_nodes[entity_idx], mesh_instance)
entity_mesh_instances[entity_idx] = mesh_instance
return entity_mesh_instances
func build_entity_occluder_instances() -> Dictionary:
var entity_occluder_instances := {}
for entity_idx in entity_mesh_dict:
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties = entity_dict['properties']
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDSolidClass
if entity_definition:
if entity_definition.build_occlusion:
if not entity_mesh_dict[entity_idx]:
var occluder_instance := OccluderInstance3D.new()
occluder_instance.name = 'entity_%s_occluder_instance' % entity_idx
queue_add_child(entity_nodes[entity_idx], occluder_instance)
entity_occluder_instances[entity_idx] = occluder_instance
return entity_occluder_instances
## Build Dictionary from worldspawn layers (via textures) to [MeshInstance3D]s
func build_worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances() -> Dictionary:
var worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances := {}
var idx = 0
for i in range(0, worldspawn_layers.size()):
var worldspawn_layer = worldspawn_layers[i]
var texture_name = worldspawn_layer.texture
if not texture_name in worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict:
var mesh := worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict[texture_name] as Mesh
if not mesh:
var mesh_instance := MeshInstance3D.new()
mesh_instance.name = 'entity_0_%s_mesh_instance' % worldspawn_layer.name
mesh_instance.gi_mode = MeshInstance3D.GI_MODE_STATIC
queue_add_child(worldspawn_layer_nodes[idx], mesh_instance)
idx += 1
worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances[texture_name] = mesh_instance
return worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances
## Assign [ArrayMesh]es to their [MeshInstance3D] counterparts
func apply_entity_meshes() -> void:
for entity_idx in entity_mesh_instances:
var mesh := entity_mesh_dict[entity_idx] as Mesh
var mesh_instance := entity_mesh_instances[entity_idx] as MeshInstance3D
if not mesh or not mesh_instance:
queue_add_child(entity_nodes[entity_idx], mesh_instance)
func apply_entity_occluders() -> void:
for entity_idx in entity_mesh_dict:
var mesh := entity_mesh_dict[entity_idx] as Mesh
var occluder_instance : OccluderInstance3D
if entity_idx in entity_occluder_instances:
occluder_instance = entity_occluder_instances[entity_idx]
if not mesh or not occluder_instance:
var verts: PackedVector3Array
var indices: PackedInt32Array
for surf_idx in range(mesh.get_surface_count()):
var vert_count := verts.size()
var surf_array := mesh.surface_get_arrays(surf_idx)
indices.resize(indices.size() + surf_array[Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX].size())
for new_index in surf_array[Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX]:
indices.append(new_index + vert_count)
var occluder := ArrayOccluder3D.new()
occluder.set_arrays(verts, indices)
occluder_instance.occluder = occluder
## Assign [ArrayMesh]es to their [MeshInstance3D] counterparts for worldspawn layers
func apply_worldspawn_layer_meshes() -> void:
for texture_name in worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict:
var mesh = worldspawn_layer_mesh_dict[texture_name]
var mesh_instance = worldspawn_layer_mesh_instances[texture_name]
if not mesh or not mesh_instance:
## Add a child and its new parent to the add child queue. If [code]below[/code] is a node, add it as a child to that instead. If [code]relative[/code] is true, set the location of node relative to parent.
func queue_add_child(parent, node, below = null, relative = false) -> void:
add_child_array.append({"parent": parent, "node": node, "below": below, "relative": relative})
## Assign children to parents based on the contents of the add child queue (see [method queue_add_child])
func add_children() -> void:
while true:
for i in range(0, set_owner_batch_size):
var data = add_child_array.pop_front()
if data:
add_child_editor(data['parent'], data['node'], data['below'])
if data['relative']:
data['node'].global_transform.origin -= data['parent'].global_transform.origin
var scene_tree := get_tree()
if scene_tree and not block_until_complete:
await get_tree().create_timer(YIELD_DURATION).timeout
## Set owners and start post-attach build steps
func add_children_complete():
if should_set_owners:
## Set owner of nodes generated by Qodot to scene root based on [member set_owner_array]
func set_owners():
while true:
for i in range(0, set_owner_batch_size):
var node = set_owner_array.pop_front()
if node:
var scene_tree := get_tree()
if scene_tree and not block_until_complete:
await get_tree().create_timer(YIELD_DURATION).timeout
## Finish profiling for set_owners and start post-attach build steps
func set_owners_complete():
## Apply Trenchbroom properties to [QodotEntity] instances, transferring Trenchbroom dictionaries to [QodotEntity.properties]
func apply_properties() -> void:
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var entity_node = entity_nodes[entity_idx]
if not entity_node:
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var properties := entity_dict['properties'] as Dictionary
if 'classname' in properties:
var classname = properties['classname']
if classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition := entity_definitions[classname] as QodotFGDClass
for property in properties:
var prop_string = properties[property]
if property in entity_definition.class_properties:
var prop_default = entity_definition.class_properties[property]
if prop_default is int:
properties[property] = prop_string.to_int()
elif prop_default is float:
properties[property] = prop_string.to_float()
elif prop_default is Vector3:
var prop_comps = prop_string.split_floats(" ")
if prop_comps.size() > 2:
properties[property] = Vector3(prop_comps[0], prop_comps[1], prop_comps[2])
push_error("Invalid vector format for \'" + property + "\' in entity \'" + classname + "\': " + prop_string)
properties[property] = prop_default
elif prop_default is Color:
var prop_color = prop_default
var prop_comps = prop_string.split(" ")
if prop_comps.size() > 2:
if "." in prop_comps[0] or "." in prop_comps[1] or "." in prop_comps[2]:
prop_color.r = prop_comps[0].to_float()
prop_color.g = prop_comps[1].to_float()
prop_color.b = prop_comps[2].to_float()
prop_color.r8 = prop_comps[0].to_int()
prop_color.g8 = prop_comps[1].to_int()
prop_color.b8 = prop_comps[2].to_int()
push_error("Invalid color format for \'" + property + "\' in entity \'" + classname + "\': " + prop_string)
properties[property] = prop_color
elif prop_default is Dictionary:
properties[property] = prop_string.to_int()
elif prop_default is Array:
properties[property] = prop_string.to_int()
# Assign properties not defined with defaults from the entity definition
for property in entity_definitions[classname].class_properties:
if not property in properties:
var prop_default = entity_definition.class_properties[property]
# Flags
if prop_default is Array:
var prop_flags_sum := 0
for prop_flag in prop_default:
if prop_flag is Array and prop_flag.size() > 2:
if prop_flag[2] and prop_flag[1] is int:
prop_flags_sum += prop_flag[1]
properties[property] = prop_flags_sum
# Choices
elif prop_default is Dictionary:
var prop_desc = entity_definition.class_property_descriptions[property]
if prop_desc is Array and prop_desc.size() > 1 and prop_desc[1] is int:
properties[property] = prop_desc[1]
properties[property] = 0
# Everything else
properties[property] = prop_default
if 'properties' in entity_node:
entity_node.properties = properties
## Wire signals based on Trenchbroom [code]target[/code] and [code]targetname[/code] properties
func connect_signals() -> void:
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var entity_node = entity_nodes[entity_idx]
if not entity_node:
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var entity_properties := entity_dict['properties'] as Dictionary
if not 'target' in entity_properties:
var target_nodes := get_nodes_by_targetname(entity_properties['target'])
for target_node in target_nodes:
connect_signal(entity_node, target_node)
## Connect a signal on [code]entity_node[/code] to [code]target_node[/code], possibly mediated by the contents of a [code]signal[/code] or [code]receiver[/code] entity
func connect_signal(entity_node: Node, target_node: Node) -> void:
if target_node.properties['classname'] == 'signal':
var signal_name = target_node.properties['signal_name']
var receiver_nodes := get_nodes_by_targetname(target_node.properties['target'])
for receiver_node in receiver_nodes:
if receiver_node.properties['classname'] != 'receiver':
var receiver_name = receiver_node.properties['receiver_name']
var target_nodes := get_nodes_by_targetname(receiver_node.properties['target'])
for node in target_nodes:
var signal_list = entity_node.get_signal_list()
for signal_dict in signal_list:
if signal_dict['name'] == 'trigger':
## Remove nodes marked transient. See [member QodotFGDClass.transient_node]
func remove_transient_nodes() -> void:
for entity_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var entity_node = entity_nodes[entity_idx]
if not entity_node:
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[entity_idx] as Dictionary
var entity_properties := entity_dict['properties'] as Dictionary
if not 'classname' in entity_properties:
var classname = entity_properties['classname']
if not classname in entity_definitions:
var entity_definition = entity_definitions[classname]
if entity_definition.transient_node:
## Find all nodes with matching targetname property
func get_nodes_by_targetname(targetname: String) -> Array:
var nodes := []
for node_idx in range(0, entity_nodes.size()):
var node = entity_nodes[node_idx]
if not node:
var entity_dict := entity_dicts[node_idx] as Dictionary
var entity_properties := entity_dict['properties'] as Dictionary
if not 'targetname' in entity_properties:
if entity_properties['targetname'] == targetname:
return nodes
# Cleanup after build is finished (internal)
func _build_complete():
if not print_profiling_data:
print('Build complete\n')