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This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ class_name DampenedCamera3D extends Camera3D
@export var target: Node3D
@export var damping: bool
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
damping = false
@ -24,8 +25,10 @@ func _process(delta: float) -> void:
target_pos.y = lerp(global_position.y, target_pos.y, 20 * delta)
global_position = target_pos
func damp() -> void:
damping = true
func donmp() -> void:
damping = false
@ -60,13 +60,10 @@ extends PhysicsBody3D
## accurate. 4 is a decent number for low poly terrain!
@export var max_iteration_count := 4
var jump_pressed := false
var gravity := 9.8
var _velocity: Vector3 = Vector3()
var at_max_speed: bool = true
@ -82,15 +79,19 @@ var snap_collisions : Array[KinematicCollision3D]
enum MovementType { VERTICAL, LATERAL }
func _ready() -> void:
func lock_mouse() -> void:
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
func unlock_mouse() -> void:
Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
# TODO should this have an action associated?
# TODO should it be in unhandled?
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
head.rotate_x(-motion.relative.y * mouse_sensitivity)
head.rotation.x = clamp(head.rotation.x, -1.4, 1.4)
# TODO should this be in unhandled input?
# Input buffering? lol lmao
func get_input() -> Vector2:
@ -136,6 +138,7 @@ func get_input() -> Vector2:
# Local rotation is fine given the parent isn't rotating ever
return input_dir.rotated(-body.rotation.y)
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
# Before Move
var _desired_horz_velocity := get_input()
@ -183,29 +186,45 @@ func move(intended_velocity : Vector3, delta : float) -> void:
# An initial grounded check is important because ground normal is used
# to detect seams with steep slopes; which often are collided with before the ground
if vertical_translation.y <= 0:
var initial_grounded_collision := move_and_collide(Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin)
var initial_grounded_collision := move_and_collide(
Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin
if initial_grounded_collision:
if initial_grounded_collision.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit):
if (
< deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
grounded = true
ground_normal = initial_grounded_collision.get_normal(0)
# === Iterate Movement Laterally
var lateral_iterations := 0
while lateral_translation.length() > 0 and lateral_iterations < max_iteration_count:
lateral_translation = move_iteration(MovementType.LATERAL, lateral_collisions, initial_lateral_translation, lateral_translation)
lateral_translation = move_iteration(
lateral_iterations += 1
# De-jitter by just ignoring lateral movement
# (multiple steep slopes have been collided, but movement is very small)
if steep_slope_normals.size() > 1 and horz(position - start_position).length() < steep_slope_jitter_reduce:
if (
steep_slope_normals.size() > 1
and horz(position - start_position).length() < steep_slope_jitter_reduce
position = start_position
# === Iterate Movement Vertically
var vertical_iterations := 0
while vertical_translation.length() > 0 and vertical_iterations < max_iteration_count:
vertical_translation = move_iteration(MovementType.VERTICAL, vertical_collisions, initial_vertical_translation, vertical_translation)
vertical_translation = move_iteration(
vertical_iterations += 1
# Don't include step height in actual velocity
@ -236,14 +255,23 @@ func move(intended_velocity : Vector3, delta : float) -> void:
var ground_snap_iterations := 0
var ground_snap_translation := Vector3.DOWN * snap_to_ground_distance
while ground_snap_translation.length() > 0 and ground_snap_iterations < max_iteration_count:
ground_snap_translation = move_iteration(MovementType.VERTICAL, snap_collisions, Vector3.DOWN, ground_snap_translation)
ground_snap_translation = move_iteration(
MovementType.VERTICAL, snap_collisions, Vector3.DOWN, ground_snap_translation
ground_snap_iterations += 1
# Decide whether to keep the snap or not
if snap_collisions.is_empty():
var after_snap_ground_test := move_and_collide(Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin)
if after_snap_ground_test and after_snap_ground_test.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit):
var after_snap_ground_test := move_and_collide(
Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin
if (
and (
< deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
# There was no snap collisions, but there is ground underneath
# This can be due to an edge case where the snap movement falls through the ground
# Why does this check not fall through the ground? I don't know
@ -252,7 +280,10 @@ func move(intended_velocity : Vector3, delta : float) -> void:
# No snap collisions and no floor, reset
position = before_snap_pos
elif !(snap_collisions[snap_collisions.size() - 1].get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit)):
elif !(
snap_collisions[snap_collisions.size() - 1].get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP)
< deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
# Collided with steep ground, reset
position = before_snap_pos
@ -261,8 +292,12 @@ func move(intended_velocity : Vector3, delta : float) -> void:
# Moves are composed of multiple iterates
# In each iteration, move until collision, then calculate and return the next movement
func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initial_direction: Vector3, translation: Vector3) -> Vector3:
func move_iteration(
movement_type: MovementType,
collision_array: Array,
initial_direction: Vector3,
translation: Vector3
) -> Vector3:
var collisions: KinematicCollision3D
# If Lateral movement, try stepping
@ -274,7 +309,7 @@ func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initia
var current_step_height := step_height
var step_up_collisions := move_and_collide(Vector3.UP * step_height, false, 0)
if (step_up_collisions):
if step_up_collisions:
current_step_height = step_up_collisions.get_travel().length()
var raised_forward_collisions := move_and_collide(translation, false, 0)
var down_collision := move_and_collide(Vector3.DOWN * current_step_height, false, 0)
@ -282,10 +317,12 @@ func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initia
# Only step if the step algorithm landed on a walkable surface
# AND the walk lands on a non-walkable surface
# This stops stepping up ramps
if (down_collision and
down_collision.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit) and
walk_test_collision and
!walk_test_collision.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit)):
if (
and down_collision.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
and walk_test_collision
and !walk_test_collision.get_normal(0).angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
do_step = true
if do_step: # Keep track of stepepd distance to cancel it out later
@ -334,7 +371,6 @@ func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initia
min_block_angle = 0
max_block_angle = deg_to_rad(slope_limit)
# This algorithm for determining where to move on a collisions uses "projection plane"
# Whatever surface the character hits, we generate a blocking "plane" that we will slide along
@ -351,8 +387,13 @@ func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initia
# If collision happens on the "side" of the cylinder, treat it as a vertical
# wall in all cases (we use the tangent of the cylinder)
if (movement_type == MovementType.LATERAL and
(collision_point.y > (collision_shape.global_position.y - cylinder.height / 2) + bottom_height)):
if (
movement_type == MovementType.LATERAL
and (
> (collision_shape.global_position.y - cylinder.height / 2) + bottom_height
projection_normal = collision_shape.global_position - collision_point
projection_normal.y = 0
projection_normal = projection_normal.normalized()
@ -390,7 +431,9 @@ func move_iteration(movement_type: MovementType, collision_array : Array, initia
if >= 0:
next_translation = continued_translation
next_translation = initial_influenced_translation.normalized() * continued_translation.length()
next_translation = (
initial_influenced_translation.normalized() * continued_translation.length()
# See same_surface_adjust_distance
if next_translation.normalized() == translation.normalized():
@ -406,6 +449,7 @@ func already_touched_slope_close_match(normal : Vector3) -> bool:
return false
# I wrote this a while ago in Unity
# I ported it here but I only have a vague grasp of how it works
func relative_slope_normal(slope_normal: Vector3, lateral_desired_direction: Vector3) -> Vector3:
@ -435,8 +479,10 @@ func relative_slope_normal(slope_normal : Vector3, lateral_desired_direction : V
return emulated_normal.normalized()
func horz(value: Vector3) -> Vector3:
return Vector3(value.x, 0, value.z)
func vert(value: Vector3) -> Vector3:
return Vector3(0, value.y, 0)
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ extends Node3D
var currTransform: Transform3D
var prevTransform: Transform3D
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
currTransform = Transform3D()
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
transform = new_transform
func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
prevTransform = currTransform
currTransform = target.global_transform
Reference in New Issue