class_name Player extends PhysicsBody3D enum MovementType { VERTICAL, LATERAL } #region Exports @export var mouse_sensitivity := 0.002 # radians/pixel @export_group("Movement") @export var slope_limit := 45.0 @export var step_height := 0.2 @export var snap_to_ground_distance := 0.2 @export_subgroup("Crouching") @export var crouch_height_decrease := 1.0 @export var crouch_speed := 2.0 @export var crouch_acceleration_time := 0.5 @export var crouch_deceleration_time := 0.2 @export_subgroup("Running") @export var run_speed := 8.0 @export var run_acceleration_time := 1.5 @export var run_deceleration_time := 0.5 # TODO Change jumping to take a height, time-to-peak, and time-to-ground. Gravity can be worked out from that @export_subgroup("Jumping") @export var jump_speed := 4.5 @export var jump_pre_grace_time := 0.1 @export var jump_post_grace_time := 0.1 @export_group("Connector Nodes") @export var head: Node3D @export var body: Node3D @export var camera: DampenedCamera3D @export var collision_shape: CollisionShape3D @export var state_chart: StateChart @export_group("Advanced") ## Stop movement under this distance, but only if the movement touches at least 2 steep slopes ## The slope movement code in this class does not handle all edge cases; this is a hack to eliminate ## jitter movement @export var steep_slope_jitter_reduce := 0.03 ## The godot move_and_collide method has built in depenetration ## Higher values can eliminate jittery movement against obscure geometry, but in my experience ## this comes at the cost of making movement across flush collision planes a bit unreliable @export var depenetration_margin := 0.001 ## The distance under the player to check for ground at the start of movement ## This is in addition to the usual method of setting grounded state by collision @export var ground_cast_distance := 0.004 ## If a collision happens within this distance of the bottom of the collider ## it's considered the "bottom" ## This value is used to determine if slopes should actually make the player ## rise, or if they should be considered a wall, in the case where the slope ## is above the players feet @export var bottom_height := 0.05 ## The movement code in this class tries to adjust translation to confirm to the collision plane ## This means the same plane should never be hit more than once within 1 frame ## This sometimes happens anyway, typically when there is a small safe margin ## If it happens, the movement will be blocked and the rest of the movement iterations will be ## consumed ## This is a little hack to slightly adjust the translation to break out of this infinite loop @export var same_surface_adjust_distance := 0.001 ## How many times to move_and_collide. The algorithm early exits anyway ## The value of turning this up is to make movement in very complicated terrain more ## accurate. 4 is a decent number for low poly terrain! @export var max_iteration_count := 4 #endregion var gravity := 9.8 var _velocity: Vector3 = Vector3() var grounded: bool = false var ground_normal: Vector3 var steep_slope_normals: Array[Vector3] = [] var total_stepped_height: float = 0 # TODO Should these be class variables? Could get away with just locals var vertical_collisions: Array[KinematicCollision3D] var lateral_collisions: Array[KinematicCollision3D] var snap_collisions: Array[KinematicCollision3D] func _ready() -> void: lock_mouse() func lock_mouse() -> void: Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED func unlock_mouse() -> void: Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE # TODO should this have an action associated? # TODO should it be in unhandled? func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: # Rotate body/camera if event is InputEventMouseMotion and Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED: var motion := event as InputEventMouseMotion body.rotate_y(-motion.relative.x * mouse_sensitivity) head.rotate_x(-motion.relative.y * mouse_sensitivity) head.rotation.x = clamp(head.rotation.x, -1.4, 1.4) # Toggle mouse capture mode if event is InputEventKey && event.is_pressed(): var key_event := event as InputEventKey if key_event.keycode == KEY_ESCAPE: if Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED: unlock_mouse() else: lock_mouse() func get_move_dir() -> Vector2: # We don't want to be moving if the mouse isn't captured! if Input.get_mouse_mode() != Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED: return Vector2.ZERO var input_dir := Vector2.ZERO if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_forward"): input_dir += Vector2.UP if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_backward"): input_dir -= Vector2.UP if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_left"): input_dir += Vector2.LEFT if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_right"): input_dir -= Vector2.LEFT input_dir = input_dir.normalized() # Local rotation is fine given the parent isn't rotating ever return input_dir.rotated(-body.rotation.y) # Entry point to moving func move(intended_velocity: Vector3, delta: float) -> void: var start_position := position var lateral_translation := _horz(intended_velocity * delta) var initial_lateral_translation := lateral_translation var vertical_translation := _vert(intended_velocity * delta) var initial_vertical_translation := vertical_translation grounded = false steep_slope_normals = [] total_stepped_height = 0 vertical_collisions.clear() lateral_collisions.clear() snap_collisions.clear() # An initial grounded check is important because ground normal is used # to detect seams with steep slopes; which often are collided with before the ground if vertical_translation.y <= 0: var collision := move_and_collide( Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin ) if collision: var normal := collision.get_normal(0) if _under_slope_limit(normal): grounded = true ground_normal = normal # Lateral movement for i in max_iteration_count: if lateral_translation.length() <= 0: break lateral_translation = move_iteration( MovementType.LATERAL, lateral_collisions, initial_lateral_translation, lateral_translation ) # De-jitter by just ignoring lateral movement # (multiple steep slopes have been collided, but movement is very small) if ( steep_slope_normals.size() > 1 and _horz(position - start_position).length() < steep_slope_jitter_reduce ): position = start_position # Vertical movement for i in max_iteration_count: if vertical_translation.length() <= 0: break vertical_translation = move_iteration( MovementType.VERTICAL, vertical_collisions, initial_vertical_translation, vertical_translation ) # Don't include step height in actual velocity var actual_translation := position - start_position var actual_translation_no_step := actual_translation - Vector3.UP * total_stepped_height var actual_velocity := actual_translation_no_step / delta # HACK! # For some reason it's difficult to accumulate velocity when sliding down steep slopes # Here I just ignore the actual velocity in favour of: # "If intended travel was down, and actual travel was down, just keep the intended velocity" # This means the user is responsible for resetting vertical velocity when grounded if intended_velocity.y < 0 and actual_velocity.y < 0: _velocity = Vector3(actual_velocity.x, intended_velocity.y, actual_velocity.z) else: _velocity = actual_velocity # Snap Down # Happens last so it doesn't affect velocity # Keeps the character on slopes and on steps when travelling down if grounded: camera.damp() snap_down() else: camera.donmp() # Moves are composed of multiple iterates # In each iteration, move until collision, then calculate and return the next movement func move_iteration( movement_type: MovementType, collision_array: Array, initial_direction: Vector3, translation: Vector3 ) -> Vector3: var collisions: KinematicCollision3D # If Lateral movement, try stepping if movement_type == MovementType.LATERAL: var temp_position := position var walk_test_collision := move_and_collide(translation, true, 0) # To correctly step we need to cast up, then forwards, then down # This makes sure that the full step motion is actually clear, and ensures # that the step action is reversible var current_step_height := step_height var step_up_collisions := move_and_collide(Vector3.UP * step_height, false, 0) if step_up_collisions: current_step_height = step_up_collisions.get_travel().length() var raised_forward_collisions := move_and_collide(translation, false, 0) var down_collision := move_and_collide(Vector3.DOWN * current_step_height, false, 0) # Only step if the step algorithm landed on a walkable surface # AND the walk lands on a non-walkable surface # This stops stepping up ramps if ( down_collision and _under_slope_limit(down_collision.get_normal(0)) and walk_test_collision and !_under_slope_limit(walk_test_collision.get_normal(0)) ): # Keep track of stepepd distance to cancel it out later total_stepped_height += position.y - temp_position.y collisions = raised_forward_collisions camera.damp() else: # Reset and move normally position = temp_position collisions = move_and_collide(translation, false, depenetration_margin) # If Vertical movement, just move; no need to step else: collisions = move_and_collide(translation, false, depenetration_margin) # Moved all remaining distance if !collisions: return Vector3.ZERO collision_array.append(collisions) # If any ground collisions happen during movement, the character is grounded # Imporant to keep this up-to-date rather than just rely on the initial grounded state var normal := collisions.get_normal(0) if _under_slope_limit(normal): grounded = true ground_normal = normal # This algorithm for determining where to move on a collisions uses "projection plane" # Whatever surface the character hits, we generate a blocking "plane" that we will slide along # # We calculate the normal of the plane we want to use, projection_normal, then # transform into a plane at the end # # By default, projection normal is just the normal of the surface # This may be unnecessary after we account for all edge cases # # We also want to "block" movement in some directions based on a surface angle # For Vertical, blocking angle is between 0 - slopeLimit # For Lateral, blocking angle is slopeLimit - 360 (grounded) or 90 (not grounded) # The latter allows players to slide down ceilings while in the air # TODO These can be precalculated on slope limit change var projection_normal := normal var surface_angle := normal.angle_to(Vector3.UP) match movement_type: MovementType.LATERAL: var min_block_angle := deg_to_rad(slope_limit) var max_block_angle := 2 * PI if grounded else PI / 2 # If collision happens on the "side" of the cylinder, treat it as a vertical # wall in all cases (we use the tangent of the cylinder) var cylinder := collision_shape.shape as CylinderShape3D var collision_point := collisions.get_position(0) var side_y := (collision_shape.global_position.y - cylinder.height / 2) + bottom_height if collision_point.y > side_y: projection_normal = collision_shape.global_position - collision_point projection_normal.y = 0 projection_normal = projection_normal.normalized() elif surface_angle >= min_block_angle and surface_angle <= max_block_angle: # "Wall off" the slope projection_normal = _horz(normal).normalized() # Or, "Wall off" the slope by figuring out the seam with the ground if grounded and surface_angle < PI / 2: if !already_touched_slope_close_match(normal): steep_slope_normals.append(normal) var seam := normal.cross(ground_normal) var temp_projection_plane := Plane(Vector3.ZERO, seam, seam + Vector3.UP) projection_normal = temp_projection_plane.normal # Otherwise force the direction to align with input direction # (projecting translation over the normal of a slope does not align with input direction) elif surface_angle < (PI / 2): projection_normal = relative_slope_normal(normal, translation) MovementType.VERTICAL: # If vertical is blocked, you're on solid ground - just stop moving var min_block_angle := 0 var max_block_angle := deg_to_rad(slope_limit) if surface_angle >= min_block_angle and surface_angle <= max_block_angle: return Vector3.ZERO # Don't let one move call ping pong around var projection_plane := Plane(projection_normal) var continued_translation := projection_plane.project(collisions.get_remainder()) var initial_influenced_translation := projection_plane.project(initial_direction) var next_translation: Vector3 if >= 0: next_translation = continued_translation else: next_translation = ( initial_influenced_translation.normalized() * continued_translation.length() ) # See same_surface_adjust_distance if next_translation.normalized() == translation.normalized(): next_translation += normal * same_surface_adjust_distance return next_translation # TODO Should this use same_surface_adjust_distance func already_touched_slope_close_match(normal: Vector3) -> bool: return steep_slope_normals.any( func(n: Vector3) -> bool: return n.distance_squared_to(normal) < 0.001 ) # I wrote this a while ago in Unity # I ported it here but I only have a vague grasp of how it works func relative_slope_normal(slope_normal: Vector3, lateral_desired_direction: Vector3) -> Vector3: var surface_angle := slope_normal.angle_to(Vector3.UP) var inverse_surface_angle := PI / 2 - surface_angle if inverse_surface_angle <= 0: push_error("Trying to calculate relative slope normal for a ceiling") # Geometry! # This is the component of the desired travel that points straight into the slope var angle_to_straight := _horz(slope_normal).angle_to(-lateral_desired_direction) var straight_length := cos(angle_to_straight) * lateral_desired_direction.length() # Which helps us calculate the height on the slope at the end of the desired travel var height := straight_length / tan(inverse_surface_angle) # Which gives us the actual desired movement var vector_up_slope := Vector3(lateral_desired_direction.x, height, lateral_desired_direction.z) # Due to the way the movement algorithm works we need to figure out the normal that defines # the plane that will give this result var rotation_axis := vector_up_slope.cross(Vector3.UP).normalized() var emulated_normal := vector_up_slope.rotated(rotation_axis, PI / 2) return emulated_normal.normalized() # TODO this doesn't always work. Why? func snap_down() -> void: # We allow snap to slide down slopes # It really helps reduce jitter on steep slopes var before_snap_pos := position var ground_snap_translation := Vector3.DOWN * snap_to_ground_distance for i in max_iteration_count: if ground_snap_translation.length() <= 0: break ground_snap_translation = move_iteration( MovementType.VERTICAL, snap_collisions, Vector3.DOWN, ground_snap_translation ) # Decide whether to keep the snap or not if snap_collisions.is_empty(): var ground_collision := move_and_collide( Vector3.DOWN * ground_cast_distance, true, depenetration_margin ) if ground_collision && _under_slope_limit(ground_collision.get_normal(0)): # There was no snap collisions, but there is ground underneath # This can be due to an edge case where the snap movement falls through the ground # Why does this check not fall through the ground? I don't know # In any case, manually set the y position.y = ground_collision.get_position(0).y else: # No snap collisions and no floor, reset position = before_snap_pos elif !_under_slope_limit(snap_collisions[snap_collisions.size() - 1].get_normal(0)): # Collided with steep ground, reset position = before_snap_pos func _under_slope_limit(normal: Vector3) -> bool: return normal.angle_to(Vector3.UP) < deg_to_rad(slope_limit) func _horz(value: Vector3) -> Vector3: return Vector3(value.x, 0, value.z) func _vert(value: Vector3) -> Vector3: return Vector3(0, value.y, 0) func _on_grounded_state_physics_processing(delta: float) -> void: var move_speed := run_speed if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_sprint") else crouch_speed var target_velocity_h := get_move_dir() * move_speed var target_velocity_v := -gravity * delta var target_velocity := Vector3(target_velocity_h.x, target_velocity_v, target_velocity_h.y) move(target_velocity, delta) if Input.is_action_just_pressed("cc_jump"): state_chart.send_event("Jump") elif !grounded: state_chart.send_event("Airborne") func _on_falling_state_physics_processing(delta: float) -> void: var move_speed := run_speed if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_sprint") else crouch_speed var target_velocity_h := get_move_dir() * move_speed var target_velocity_v := _velocity.y - gravity * delta var target_velocity := Vector3(target_velocity_h.x, target_velocity_v, target_velocity_h.y) move(target_velocity, delta) if grounded: state_chart.send_event("Grounded") func _on_jumping_state_physics_processing(delta: float) -> void: var move_speed := run_speed if Input.is_action_pressed("cc_sprint") else crouch_speed var target_velocity_h := get_move_dir() * move_speed var target_velocity_v := jump_speed var target_velocity := Vector3(target_velocity_h.x, target_velocity_v, target_velocity_h.y) move(target_velocity, delta) state_chart.send_event("Airborne")