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/// Linear interpolation.
pub fn lerp(a: f32, b: f32, w: f32) -> f32 {
a + (b - a) * w
/// Bilinear interpolation.
/// Expected order of `p` is from a nested `for` loop with the outer loop being `y`.
/// `w` is expected to be `[wx, wy]`
pub fn bi_lerp(p: &[f32], w: &[f32]) -> f32 {
assert_eq!(p.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(w.len(), 2);
lerp(lerp(p[0], p[1], w[0]), lerp(p[2], p[3], w[0]), w[1])
/// Trilinear interpolation.
/// Expected order of `p` is from a nested `for` loop with the outer loop being `z`.
/// `w` is expected to be `[wx, wy, wz]`.
pub fn tri_lerp(p: &[f32], w: &[f32]) -> f32 {
assert_eq!(p.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(w.len(), 3);
let c00 = p[0] + (p[1] - p[0]) * w[0];
let c10 = p[2] + (p[3] - p[2]) * w[0];
let c01 = p[4] + (p[5] - p[4]) * w[0];
let c11 = p[6] + (p[7] - p[6]) * w[0];
let c0 = c00 + (c10 - c00) * w[1];
let c1 = c01 + (c11 - c01) * w[1];
c0 + (c1 - c0) * w[2]
/// Computes a unifom grid of trilinear interpolations
pub fn tri_lerp_block(p: &[f32], dims: &[u32], vals: &mut [f32]) {
assert_eq!(p.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(dims.len(), 3);
// assert vals length matches dims
// Precalculate coefficients
let a0 = p[0];
let a1 = -p[0] + p[1];
let a2 = -p[0] + p[2];
let a3 = -p[0] + p[4];
let a4 = p[0] - p[2] - p[1] + p[3];
let a5 = p[0] - p[4] - p[1] + p[5];
let a6 = p[0] - p[4] - p[2] + p[6];
let a7 = -p[0] + p[4] + p[2] - p[6] + p[1] - p[5] - p[3] + p[7];
// Calculate each value
let dx_max = (dims[0] - 1) as f32;
let dy_max = (dims[1] - 1) as f32;
let dz_max = (dims[2] - 1) as f32;
let mut i = 0;
for z in 0..dims[0] {
for y in 0..dims[1] {
for x in 0..dims[2] {
let dx = x as f32 / dx_max;
let dy = y as f32 / dy_max;
let dz = z as f32 / dz_max;
let val = a0
+ a1 * dx
+ a2 * dy
+ a3 * dz
+ a4 * dx * dy
+ a5 * dx * dz
+ a6 * dy * dz
+ a7 * dx * dy * dz;
vals[i] = val;
i += 1;
/// Maps a 3d index to a 1d index
// TODO: Handle out of range!!
pub fn to_1d_index(p: glam::UVec3, dim: glam::UVec3) -> usize {
(p.x + p.y * dim.x + p.z * dim.x * dim.y) as usize