Almost there object casting
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ public class LightMapper
var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
var indices = new List<int>();
// Worldrep mesh
foreach (var cell in worldRep.Cells)
var numPolys = cell.PolyCount;
@ -169,6 +171,102 @@ public class LightMapper
// Object meshes??
// TODO: Should this throw?
if (!_mission.TryGetChunk<BrList>("BRLIST", out var brList))
return null;
foreach (var brush in brList.Brushes)
if ( != BrList.Brush.Media.Object)
var id = (int)brush.brushInfo;
var modelNameProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropLabel>(id, "P$ModelName");
var scaleProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropVector>(id, "P$Scale");
var renderTypeProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropRenderType>(id, "P$RenderTyp");
var jointPosProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropJointPos>(id, "P$JointPos");
var immobileProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropBool>(id, "P$Immobile");
var staticShadowProp = _hierarchy.GetProperty<PropBool>(id, "P$StatShad");
var joints = jointPosProp?.Positions ?? [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var castsShadows = (immobileProp?.value ?? false) || (staticShadowProp?.value ?? false);
var renderMode = renderTypeProp?.mode ?? PropRenderType.Mode.Normal;
// TODO: Check which rendermodes cast shadows :)
if (modelNameProp == null || !castsShadows || renderMode != PropRenderType.Mode.Normal)
// Let's try and place an object :)
var modelName = modelNameProp.value.ToLower() + ".bin";
var modelPath = _campaign.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Object, modelName);
if (modelPath == null)
// TODO: Handle failing to find model more gracefully
var pos = brush.position;
var rot = brush.angle;
var scale = scaleProp?.value ?? Vector3.One;
var model = new ModelFile(modelPath);
pos -= model.Header.Center;
// for each object modify the vertices
// TODO: Something about the transform is fucky
foreach (var subObj in model.Objects)
Console.WriteLine($"ID: {subObj.Joint}, l: {joints.Length}");
var jointTrans = Matrix4x4.Identity;
if (subObj.Joint != -1)
var ang = float.DegreesToRadians(joints[subObj.Joint]);
var jointRot = Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, ang, 0);
var objTrans = subObj.Transform;
jointTrans = jointRot * objTrans;
var scalePart = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(scale);
var rotPart = Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float.DegreesToRadians(rot.X),
float.DegreesToRadians(rot.Y), float.DegreesToRadians(rot.Z));
var transPart = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(pos);
var transform = jointTrans * scalePart * rotPart * transPart;
var start = subObj.PointIdx;
var end = start + subObj.PointCount;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++)
var v = model.Vertices[i];
model.Vertices[i] = Vector3.Transform(v, transform);
Console.WriteLine($"Raw: {v}, Pos: {model.Vertices[i]}");
// for each polygon slam it's vertices and indices :)
foreach (var poly in model.Polygons)
var indexOffset = vertices.Count;
foreach (var idx in poly.VertexIndices)
for (int i = 1; i < poly.VertexCount - 1; i++)
indices.Add(indexOffset + i);
indices.Add(indexOffset + i + 1);
var rt = new Raytracer();
rt.AddMesh(new TriangleMesh([.. vertices], [.. indices]));
Reference in New Issue