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14 Commits

8 changed files with 516 additions and 216 deletions

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@ -500,3 +500,27 @@ public class PropSpotlightAndAmbient : Property
public class PropJointPos : Property
public float[] Positions;
public override void Read(BinaryReader reader)
Positions = new float[6];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Positions[i] = reader.ReadSingle();
public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer)
foreach (var position in Positions)

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class RendParams : IChunk
public string palette;
public Vector3 ambientLight;
public int useSunlight;
public bool useSunlight;
public SunlightMode sunlightMode;
public Vector3 sunlightDirection;
public float sunlightHue;
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ public class RendParams : IChunk
palette = reader.ReadNullString(16);
ambientLight = reader.ReadVec3();
useSunlight = reader.ReadInt32();
useSunlight = reader.ReadBoolean();
sunlightMode = (SunlightMode)reader.ReadUInt32();
sunlightDirection = reader.ReadVec3();
sunlightHue = reader.ReadSingle();
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ public class RendParams : IChunk
writer.WriteNullString(palette, 16);
writer.Write(new byte[3]);

View File

@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ public class DbFile
"P$ModelName" => new PropertyChunk<PropLabel>(),
"P$Scale" => new PropertyChunk<PropVector>(),
"P$RenderTyp" => new PropertyChunk<PropRenderType>(),
"P$JointPos" => new PropertyChunk<PropJointPos>(),
"P$Immobile" => new PropertyChunk<PropBool>(),
"P$StatShad" => new PropertyChunk<PropBool>(),
"P$OTxtRepr0" => new PropertyChunk<PropString>(),
"P$OTxtRepr1" => new PropertyChunk<PropString>(),
"P$OTxtRepr2" => new PropertyChunk<PropString>(),

View File

@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ public class ObjectHierarchy

View File

@ -92,6 +92,54 @@ public class ModelFile
public struct SubObject
public string Name;
public byte Type;
public int Joint;
public float MinJointValue;
public float MaxJointValue;
public Matrix4x4 Transform;
public short Child;
public short Next;
public ushort VhotIdx;
public ushort VhotCount;
public ushort PointIdx;
public ushort PointCount;
public ushort LightIdx;
public ushort LightCount;
public ushort NormalIdx;
public ushort NormalCount;
public ushort NodeIdx;
public ushort NodeCount;
public SubObject(BinaryReader reader)
Name = reader.ReadNullString(8);
Type = reader.ReadByte();
Joint = reader.ReadInt32();
MinJointValue = reader.ReadSingle();
MaxJointValue = reader.ReadSingle();
var v1 = reader.ReadVec3();
var v2 = reader.ReadVec3();
var v3 = reader.ReadVec3();
var v4 = reader.ReadVec3();
Transform = new Matrix4x4(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z, 0, v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z, 0, v3.X, v3.Y, v3.Z, 0, v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, 1);
Child = reader.ReadInt16();
Next = reader.ReadInt16();
VhotIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
VhotCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
PointIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
PointCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
LightIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
LightCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
NormalIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
NormalCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
NodeIdx = reader.ReadUInt16();
NodeCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
public struct Polygon
public ushort Index;
@ -183,6 +231,7 @@ public class ModelFile
public Polygon[] Polygons { get; }
public Material[] Materials { get; }
public VHot[] VHots { get; }
public SubObject[] Objects { get; }
public ModelFile(string filename)
@ -231,6 +280,12 @@ public class ModelFile
VHots[i] = new VHot(reader);
stream.Seek(Header.ObjectOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Objects = new SubObject[Header.ObjectCount];
for (var i = 0; i < Objects.Length; i++)
Objects[i] = new SubObject(reader);
public bool TryGetVhot(VhotId id, out VHot vhot)

View File

@ -8,20 +8,23 @@ namespace KeepersCompound.Lightmapper;
public class LightMapper
private enum SurfaceType
// The objcast element of sunlight is ignored, we just care if it's quadlit
private struct SunSettings
public bool Enabled;
public bool QuadLit;
public Vector3 Direction;
public Vector3 Color;
private class Settings
private struct Settings
public Vector3 AmbientLight;
public bool Hdr;
public SoftnessMode MultiSampling;
public float MultiSamplingCenterWeight;
public bool LightmappedWater;
public SunSettings Sunlight;
private ResourcePathManager.CampaignResources _campaign;
@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ public class LightMapper
private ObjectHierarchy _hierarchy;
private Raytracer _scene;
private List<Light> _lights;
private List<SurfaceType> _triangleTypeMap;
private SurfaceType[] _triangleTypeMap;
public LightMapper(
string installPath,
@ -42,9 +45,17 @@ public class LightMapper
_misPath = _campaign.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Mission, missionName);
_mission = Timing.TimeStage("Parse DB", () => new DbFile(_misPath));
_hierarchy = Timing.TimeStage("Build Hierarchy", BuildHierarchy);
_triangleTypeMap = [];
_scene = Timing.TimeStage("Build Scene", BuildRaytracingScene);
_lights = [];
var mesh = Timing.TimeStage("Build Mesh", BuildMesh);
_triangleTypeMap = mesh.TriangleSurfaceMap;
_scene = Timing.TimeStage("Build RT Scene", () =>
var rt = new Raytracer();
rt.AddMesh(new TriangleMesh(mesh.Vertices, mesh.Indices));
return rt;
public void Light()
@ -57,6 +68,14 @@ public class LightMapper
var sunlightSettings = new SunSettings()
Enabled = rendParams.useSunlight,
QuadLit = rendParams.sunlightMode is RendParams.SunlightMode.QuadUnshadowed or RendParams.SunlightMode.QuadObjcastShadows,
Direction = rendParams.sunlightDirection,
Color = Utils.HsbToRgb(rendParams.sunlightHue, rendParams.sunlightSaturation, rendParams.sunlightBrightness),
// TODO: lmParams LightmappedWater doesn't mean the game will actually *use* the lightmapped water hmm
var settings = new Settings
@ -65,6 +84,7 @@ public class LightMapper
MultiSampling = lmParams.ShadowSoftness,
MultiSamplingCenterWeight = lmParams.CenterWeight,
LightmappedWater = lmParams.LightmappedWater,
Sunlight = sunlightSettings,
Timing.TimeStage("Gather Lights", BuildLightList);
@ -109,70 +129,21 @@ public class LightMapper
return new ObjectHierarchy(_mission);
private Raytracer BuildRaytracingScene()
private Mesh BuildMesh()
var meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
// TODO: Should this throw?
if (!_mission.TryGetChunk<WorldRep>("WREXT", out var worldRep))
// TODO: Only do object polys if objcast lighting?
if (!_mission.TryGetChunk<WorldRep>("WREXT", out var worldRep) ||
!_mission.TryGetChunk<BrList>("BRLIST", out var brList))
return null;
return meshBuilder.Build();
var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
var indices = new List<int>();
foreach (var cell in worldRep.Cells)
var numPolys = cell.PolyCount;
var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount;
var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount;
// There's nothing to render
if (numRenderPolys == 0 || numPortalPolys >= numPolys)
var solidPolys = numPolys - numPortalPolys;
var cellIdxOffset = 0;
for (var polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < numRenderPolys; polyIdx++)
var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx];
var meshIndexOffset = vertices.Count;
var numPolyVertices = poly.VertexCount;
for (var j = 0; j < numPolyVertices; j++)
var vertex = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset + j]];
// We need to know what type of surface this poly is so we can map Embree primitive IDs to surface
// types
var renderPoly = cell.RenderPolys[polyIdx];
var primType = SurfaceType.Solid;
if (renderPoly.TextureId == 249)
primType = SurfaceType.Sky;
} else if (polyIdx >= solidPolys)
primType = SurfaceType.Water;
// Cell polygons are n-sided, but fortunately they're convex so we can just do a fan triangulation
for (var j = 1; j < numPolyVertices - 1; j++)
indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j);
indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j + 1);
cellIdxOffset += cell.Polys[polyIdx].VertexCount;
var rt = new Raytracer();
rt.AddMesh(new TriangleMesh([.. vertices], [.. indices]));
return rt;
meshBuilder.AddObjectPolys(brList, _hierarchy, _campaign);
return meshBuilder.Build();
private void BuildLightList()
@ -334,6 +305,8 @@ public class LightMapper
private void SetCellLightIndices()
// TODO: Doors aren't blocking lights. Need to do some cell traversal to remove light indices :(
if (!_mission.TryGetChunk<WorldRep>("WREXT", out var worldRep))
@ -354,12 +327,14 @@ public class LightMapper
// The OG lightmapper uses the cell traversal to work out all the cells that
// are actually visited. We're a lot more coarse and just say if a cell is
// in range then we potentially affect the lighting in the cell and add it
// to the list. Cells already contain their sphere bounds so we just use
// that for now, but a tighter AABB is another option.
var cellSphere = new MathUtils.Sphere(cell.SphereCenter, cell.SphereRadius);
// to the list.
// There's a soft length limit here of 96 due to the runtime object shadow
// cache, so we want this to be as minimal as possible. Additionally large
// lists actually cause performance issues!
var cellAabb = new MathUtils.Aabb(cell.Vertices);
foreach (var light in _lights)
if (MathUtils.Intersects(cellSphere, new MathUtils.Sphere(light.Position, light.Radius)))
if (MathUtils.Intersects(new MathUtils.Sphere(light.Position, light.Radius), cellAabb))
@ -436,48 +411,109 @@ public class LightMapper
var planeMapper = new MathUtils.PlanePointMapper(plane.Normal, vs[0], vs[1]);
var v2ds = planeMapper.MapTo2d(vs);
var (texU, texV) = renderPoly.TextureVectors;
var (offsets, weights) =
GetTraceOffsetsAndWeights(settings.MultiSampling, texU, texV, settings.MultiSamplingCenterWeight);
var (quadOffsets, quadWeights) = settings.MultiSampling == SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint
? (offsets, weights)
: GetTraceOffsetsAndWeights(SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint, texU, texV, settings.MultiSamplingCenterWeight);
foreach (var light in _lights)
for (var y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++)
var layer = 0;
// Check if plane normal is facing towards the light
// If it's not then we're never going to be (directly) lit by this
// light.
var centerDirection = renderPoly.Center - light.Position;
if (Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, centerDirection) >= 0)
for (var x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++)
var pos = topLeft;
pos += x * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1;
pos += y * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2;
// TODO: Handle quad lit lights better. Right now we're computing two sets of points for every
// luxel. Maybe it's better to only compute if we encounter a quadlit light?
var tracePoints = GetTracePoints(pos, offsets, renderPoly.Center, planeMapper, v2ds);
var quadTracePoints = settings.MultiSampling == SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint
? tracePoints
: GetTracePoints(pos, quadOffsets, renderPoly.Center, planeMapper, v2ds);
// TODO: This isn't quite right yet. It seems to be too bright
if (settings.Sunlight.Enabled) {
// Check if plane normal is facing towards the light
// If it's not then we're never going to be (directly) lit by this
// light.
var sunAngle = Vector3.Dot(-settings.Sunlight.Direction, plane.Normal);
if (sunAngle > 0)
var strength = 0f;
var targetPoints = settings.Sunlight.QuadLit ? quadTracePoints : tracePoints;
var targetWeights = settings.Sunlight.QuadLit ? quadWeights : weights;
for (var idx = 0; idx < targetPoints.Length; idx++)
var point = targetPoints[idx];
if (TraceSunRay(point, -settings.Sunlight.Direction))
// Sunlight is a simpler lighting algorithm than normal lights so we can just
// do it here
strength += targetWeights[idx] * sunAngle;
// If there aren't *any* points on the plane that are in range of the light
// then none of the lightmap points will be so we can discard.
// The more compact a map is the less effective this is
var planeDist = MathUtils.DistanceFromPlane(plane, light.Position);
if (planeDist > light.Radius)
if (strength != 0f)
lightmap.AddLight(0, x, y, settings.Sunlight.Color, strength, settings.Hdr);
// If the poly of the lightmap doesn't intersect the light radius then
// none of the lightmap points will so we can discard.
if (!MathUtils.Intersects(new MathUtils.Sphere(light.Position, light.Radius), aabb))
for (var y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++)
foreach (var light in _lights)
var pos = topLeft;
pos += x * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1;
pos += y * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2;
var layer = 0;
// Check if plane normal is facing towards the light
// If it's not then we're never going to be (directly) lit by this
// light.
var centerDirection = renderPoly.Center - light.Position;
if (Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, centerDirection) >= 0)
// If there aren't *any* points on the plane that are in range of the light
// then none of the lightmap points will be so we can discard.
// The more compact a map is the less effective this is
var planeDist = MathUtils.DistanceFromPlane(plane, light.Position);
if (planeDist > light.Radius)
// If the poly of the lightmap doesn't intersect the light radius then
// none of the lightmap points will so we can discard.
if (!MathUtils.Intersects(new MathUtils.Sphere(light.Position, light.Radius), aabb))
if (TracePixelMultisampled(
settings.MultiSampling, light, pos, renderPoly.Center, plane, planeMapper, v2ds,
renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1, renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2,
settings.MultiSamplingCenterWeight, out var strength))
var strength = 0f;
var targetPoints = light.QuadLit ? quadTracePoints : tracePoints;
var targetWeights = light.QuadLit ? quadWeights : weights;
for (var idx = 0; idx < targetPoints.Length; idx++)
var point = targetPoints[idx];
// If we're out of range there's no point casting a ray
// There's probably a better way to discard the entire lightmap
// if we're massively out of range
if ((point - light.Position).LengthSquared() > light.R2)
if (TraceRay(light.Position, point))
strength += targetWeights[idx] * light.StrengthAtPoint(point, plane);
if (strength != 0f)
// If we're an anim light there's a lot of stuff we need to update
// Firstly we need to add the light to the cells anim light palette
@ -507,126 +543,85 @@ public class LightMapper
public bool TracePixelMultisampled(
private static (Vector3[], float[]) GetTraceOffsetsAndWeights(
SoftnessMode mode,
Light light,
Vector3 pos,
Vector3 polyCenter,
Plane plane,
MathUtils.PlanePointMapper planeMapper,
Vector2[] v2ds,
Vector3 texU,
Vector3 texV,
float centerWeight,
out float strength)
float centerWeight)
bool FourPoint(float offsetScale, out float strength)
var offsetScale = mode switch
var hit = false;
var xOffset = texU / offsetScale;
var yOffset = texV / offsetScale;
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - xOffset - yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var strength1);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + xOffset - yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var strength2);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - xOffset + yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var strength3);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + xOffset + yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var strength4);
strength = (strength1 + strength2 + strength3 + strength4) / 4f;
return hit;
bool FivePoint(float offsetScale, out float strength)
var hit = false;
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var centerStrength);
hit |= FourPoint(offsetScale, out strength);
strength = (1.0f - centerWeight) * strength + centerWeight * centerStrength;
return hit;
bool NinePoint(float offsetScale, out float strength)
var hit = false;
var xOffset = texU / offsetScale;
var yOffset = texV / offsetScale;
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - xOffset - yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s1);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + xOffset - yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s2);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - xOffset + yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s3);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + xOffset + yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s4);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - xOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s5);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + xOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s6);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos - yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s7);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos + yOffset, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var s8);
hit |= TracePixel(light, pos, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out var centerStrength);
strength = (s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 + s7 + s8) / 8f;
strength = (1.0f - centerWeight) * strength + centerWeight * centerStrength;
return hit;
SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint or SoftnessMode.HighFivePoint or SoftnessMode.HighNinePoint => 4f,
SoftnessMode.MediumFourPoint or SoftnessMode.MediumFivePoint or SoftnessMode.MediumNinePoint => 8f,
SoftnessMode.LowFourPoint => 16f,
_ => 1f,
return mode switch {
SoftnessMode.Standard when light.QuadLit => FourPoint(4f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint => FourPoint(4f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.HighFivePoint => FivePoint(4f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.HighNinePoint => NinePoint(4f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.MediumFourPoint => FourPoint(8f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.MediumFivePoint => FivePoint(8f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.MediumNinePoint => NinePoint(8f, out strength),
SoftnessMode.LowFourPoint => FourPoint(16f, out strength),
_ => TracePixel(light, pos, polyCenter, plane, planeMapper, v2ds, out strength)
var cw = centerWeight;
var w = 1f - cw;
texU /= offsetScale;
texV /= offsetScale;
return mode switch
SoftnessMode.LowFourPoint or SoftnessMode.MediumFourPoint or SoftnessMode.HighFourPoint => (
[-texU - texV, -texU - texV, -texU + texV, texU + texV],
[0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f]),
SoftnessMode.MediumFivePoint or SoftnessMode.HighFivePoint => (
[Vector3.Zero, -texU - texV, texU - texV, -texU + texV, texU + texV],
[cw, w * 0.25f, w * 0.25f, w * 0.25f, w * 0.25f]),
SoftnessMode.MediumNinePoint or SoftnessMode.HighNinePoint => (
[Vector3.Zero, -texU - texV, texU - texV, -texU + texV, texU + texV, -texU, texU, -texV, texV],
[cw, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f, w * 0.125f]),
_ => (
private bool TracePixel(
Light light,
Vector3 pos,
private Vector3[] GetTracePoints(
Vector3 basePosition,
Vector3[] offsets,
Vector3 polyCenter,
Plane plane,
MathUtils.PlanePointMapper planeMapper,
Vector2[] v2ds,
out float strength)
Vector2[] v2ds)
strength = 0f;
var tracePoints = new Vector3[offsets.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++)
var offset = offsets[i];
var pos = basePosition + offset;
// Embree has robustness issues when hitting poly edges which
// results in false misses. To alleviate this we pre-push everything
// slightly towards the center of the poly.
var centerOffset = polyCenter - pos;
if (centerOffset.LengthSquared() > MathUtils.Epsilon)
pos += Vector3.Normalize(centerOffset) * MathUtils.Epsilon;
// If we can't see our target point from the center of the poly
// then it's outside the world. We need to clip the point to slightly
// inside the poly and retrace to avoid three problems:
// 1. Darkened spots from lightmap pixels whose center is outside
// the polygon but is partially contained in the polygon
// 2. Darkened spots from linear filtering of points outside the
// polygon which have missed
// 3. Darkened spots where centers are on the exact edge of a poly
// which can sometimes cause Embree to miss casts
var inPoly = TraceRay(polyCenter + planeMapper.Normal * 0.25f, pos);
if (!inPoly)
var p2d = planeMapper.MapTo2d(pos);
p2d = MathUtils.ClipPointToPoly2d(p2d, v2ds);
pos = planeMapper.MapTo3d(p2d);
tracePoints[i] = pos;
// Embree has robustness issues when hitting poly edges which
// results in false misses. To alleviate this we pre-push everything
// slightly towards the center of the poly.
var centerOffset = polyCenter - pos;
if (centerOffset.LengthSquared() > MathUtils.Epsilon)
pos += Vector3.Normalize(centerOffset) * MathUtils.Epsilon;
// If we can't see our target point from the center of the poly
// then it's outside the world. We need to clip the point to slightly
// inside the poly and retrace to avoid three problems:
// 1. Darkened spots from lightmap pixels whose center is outside
// the polygon but is partially contained in the polygon
// 2. Darkened spots from linear filtering of points outside the
// polygon which have missed
// 3. Darkened spots where centers are on the exact edge of a poly
// which can sometimes cause Embree to miss casts
var inPoly = TraceRay(polyCenter + plane.Normal * 0.25f, pos);
if (!inPoly)
var p2d = planeMapper.MapTo2d(pos);
p2d = MathUtils.ClipPointToPoly2d(p2d, v2ds);
pos = planeMapper.MapTo3d(p2d);
// If we're out of range there's no point casting a ray
// There's probably a better way to discard the entire lightmap
// if we're massively out of range
if ((pos - light.Position).LengthSquared() > light.R2)
return false;
// We cast from the light to the pixel because the light has
// no mesh in the scene to hit
var hit = TraceRay(light.Position, pos);
if (hit)
strength += light.StrengthAtPoint(pos, plane);
return hit;
return tracePoints;
private bool TraceRay(Vector3 origin, Vector3 target)
@ -650,6 +645,28 @@ public class LightMapper
return Math.Abs(hitDistanceFromTarget) < MathUtils.Epsilon;
// TODO: Can this be merged with the above?
private bool TraceSunRay(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction)
// Avoid self intersection
origin += direction * MathUtils.Epsilon;
var hitSurfaceType = SurfaceType.Water;
while (hitSurfaceType == SurfaceType.Water)
var hitResult = _scene.Trace(new Ray
Origin = origin,
Direction = Vector3.Normalize(direction),
hitSurfaceType = _triangleTypeMap[(int)hitResult.PrimId];
origin = hitResult.Position += direction * MathUtils.Epsilon;
return hitSurfaceType == SurfaceType.Sky;
private void SetAnimLightCellMaps()
if (!_mission.TryGetChunk<PropertyChunk<PropAnimLight>>("P$AnimLight", out var animLightChunk) ||

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
using System.Numerics;
using KeepersCompound.LGS;
using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database;
using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database.Chunks;
namespace KeepersCompound.Lightmapper;
// TODO: Rename to CastSurfaceType?
public enum SurfaceType
public class Mesh(int triangleCount, List<Vector3> vertices, List<int> indices, List<SurfaceType> triangleSurfaceMap)
public int TriangleCount { get; } = triangleCount;
public Vector3[] Vertices { get; } = [..vertices];
public int[] Indices { get; } = [..indices];
public SurfaceType[] TriangleSurfaceMap { get; } = [..triangleSurfaceMap];
public class MeshBuilder
private int _triangleCount = 0;
private readonly List<Vector3> _vertices = [];
private readonly List<int> _indices = [];
private readonly List<SurfaceType> _primSurfaceMap = [];
public void AddWorldRepPolys(WorldRep worldRep)
var polyVertices = new List<Vector3>();
foreach (var cell in worldRep.Cells)
var numPolys = cell.PolyCount;
var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount;
var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount;
var solidPolys = numPolys - numPortalPolys;
var cellIdxOffset = 0;
for (var polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < numPolys; polyIdx++)
// There's 3 types of poly that we need to include in the mesh:
// - Terrain
// - Water surfaces
// - Door vision blockers
// Door vision blockers are the interesting one. They're not RenderPolys at all, and we only include
// them in the mesh if the cell only has two of them (otherwise the door is in the middle of the air)
SurfaceType primType;
if (polyIdx < solidPolys)
primType = cell.RenderPolys[polyIdx].TextureId == 249 ? SurfaceType.Sky : SurfaceType.Solid;
else if (polyIdx < numRenderPolys)
primType = SurfaceType.Water;
else if (cell is { Flags: 24, PortalPolyCount: 2 }) // TODO: Work out what these flags are!!
primType = SurfaceType.Solid;
var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx];
for (var i = 0; i < poly.VertexCount; i++)
polyVertices.Add(cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset + i]]);
AddPolygon(polyVertices, primType);
cellIdxOffset += poly.VertexCount;
public void AddObjectPolys(
BrList brushList,
ObjectHierarchy hierarchy,
ResourcePathManager.CampaignResources campaignResources)
var polyVertices = new List<Vector3>();
foreach (var brush in brushList.Brushes)
if ( != BrList.Brush.Media.Object)
var id = (int)brush.brushInfo;
var modelNameProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropLabel>(id, "P$ModelName");
var scaleProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropVector>(id, "P$Scale");
var renderTypeProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropRenderType>(id, "P$RenderTyp");
var jointPosProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropJointPos>(id, "P$JointPos");
var immobileProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropBool>(id, "P$Immobile");
var staticShadowProp = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropBool>(id, "P$StatShad");
var joints = jointPosProp?.Positions ?? [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var castsShadows = (immobileProp?.value ?? false) || (staticShadowProp?.value ?? false);
var renderMode = renderTypeProp?.mode ?? PropRenderType.Mode.Normal;
// TODO: Check which rendermodes cast shadows :)
if (modelNameProp == null || !castsShadows || renderMode == PropRenderType.Mode.CoronaOnly)
// Let's try and place an object :)
var modelName = modelNameProp.value.ToLower() + ".bin";
var modelPath = campaignResources.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Object, modelName);
if (modelPath == null)
// TODO: Handle failing to find model more gracefully
var pos = brush.position;
var rot = brush.angle;
var scale = scaleProp?.value ?? Vector3.One;
var model = new ModelFile(modelPath);
pos -= model.Header.Center;
// for each object modify the vertices
// TODO: Almost perfect transform!
// TODO: Handle nested sub objects
foreach (var subObj in model.Objects)
var jointTrans = Matrix4x4.Identity;
if (subObj.Joint != -1)
var ang = float.DegreesToRadians(joints[subObj.Joint]);
var jointRot = Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, ang, 0);
var objTrans = subObj.Transform;
jointTrans = jointRot * objTrans;
var scalePart = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(scale);
var rotPart = Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(float.DegreesToRadians(rot.Y), float.DegreesToRadians(rot.X),
var transPart = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(pos);
var transform = jointTrans * scalePart * rotPart * transPart;
var start = subObj.PointIdx;
var end = start + subObj.PointCount;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++)
var v = model.Vertices[i];
model.Vertices[i] = Vector3.Transform(v, transform);
// for each polygon slam its vertices and indices :)
foreach (var poly in model.Polygons)
foreach (var idx in poly.VertexIndices)
AddPolygon(polyVertices, SurfaceType.Solid);
private void AddPolygon(List<Vector3> vertices, SurfaceType surfaceType)
var vertexCount = vertices.Count;
var indexOffset = _vertices.Count;
// Polygons are n-sided, but fortunately they're convex so we can just do a fan triangulation
for (var i = 1; i < vertexCount - 1; i++)
_indices.Add(indexOffset + i);
_indices.Add(indexOffset + i + 1);
public Mesh Build()
return new Mesh(_triangleCount, _vertices, _indices, _primSurfaceMap);

View File

@ -90,12 +90,14 @@ public static class MathUtils
public record PlanePointMapper
public Vector3 Normal { get; }
Vector3 _origin;
Vector3 _xAxis;
Vector3 _yAxis;
public PlanePointMapper(Vector3 normal, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1)
Normal = normal;
_origin = p0;
_xAxis = p1 - _origin;
_yAxis = Vector3.Cross(normal, _xAxis);