using System.Numerics; namespace KeepersCompound.Lightmapper; public static class Utils { // Expects Hue and Saturation are 0-1, Brightness 0-255 // // This is actually not accurate to *real* hsb to rgb. But I'm replicating the inaccuracies of Dark :( // See issue#1 public static Vector3 HsbToRgb(float hue, float saturation, float brightness) { hue *= 3; var color = hue switch { < 1 => new Vector3(1f - hue, hue, 0), < 2 => new Vector3(0, 2f - hue, hue - 1f), _ => new Vector3(hue - 2f, 0, 3f - hue), }; color *= saturation; color += Vector3.One * (1.0f - saturation); color *= brightness; return color; } } public static class MathUtils { public const float Epsilon = 0.001f; public readonly struct Aabb { public readonly Vector3 Min; public readonly Vector3 Max; public Aabb(Vector3[] points) { Min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); Max = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue); foreach (var p in points) { Min = Vector3.Min(Min, p); Max = Vector3.Max(Max, p); } } } public readonly struct Sphere { public readonly Vector3 Position; public readonly float Radius; public Sphere(Vector3 position, float radius) { Position = position; Radius = radius; } } public static Vector3 ClosestPoint(Aabb aabb, Vector3 point) { return Vector3.Min(aabb.Max, Vector3.Max(aabb.Min, point)); } public static bool Intersects(Sphere sphere, Aabb aabb) { var closestPoint = ClosestPoint(aabb, sphere.Position); var d2 = (sphere.Position - closestPoint).LengthSquared(); var r2 = sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius; return d2 < r2; } // Should automagically handle max float radii public static bool Intersects(Sphere sphere, Sphere other) { var rsum = sphere.Radius + other.Radius; return (sphere.Position - other.Position).Length() <= rsum; } public static float DistanceFromPlane(Plane plane, Vector3 point) { return Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, point) + plane.D) / plane.Normal.Length(); } public record PlanePointMapper { public Vector3 Normal { get; } Vector3 _origin; Vector3 _xAxis; Vector3 _yAxis; public PlanePointMapper(Vector3 normal, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1) { Normal = normal; _origin = p0; _xAxis = p1 - _origin; _yAxis = Vector3.Cross(normal, _xAxis); _xAxis = Vector3.Normalize(_xAxis); _yAxis = Vector3.Normalize(_yAxis); } public Vector2 MapTo2d(Vector3 point) { var offset = point - _origin; var x = Vector3.Dot(offset, _xAxis); var y = Vector3.Dot(offset, _yAxis); return new Vector2(x, y); } public Vector2[] MapTo2d(Vector3[] points) { var points2d = new Vector2[points.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points2d[i] = MapTo2d(points[i]); } return points2d; } public Vector3 MapTo3d(Vector2 point) { return _origin + point.X * _xAxis + point.Y * _yAxis; } public Vector3[] MapTo3d(Vector2[] points) { var points3d = new Vector3[points.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points3d[i] = MapTo3d(points[i]); } return points3d; } } public static Vector2 ClipPointToPoly2d(Vector2 point, Vector2[] vertices) { var vertexCount = vertices.Length; for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { var a = vertices[i]; var b = vertices[(i + 1) % vertexCount]; var segment = b - a; var offset = point - a; var norm = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-segment.Y, segment.X)); var side = Vector2.Dot(norm, offset); if (side >= -Epsilon) { // We apply epsilon so that we push slightly into the poly. If we only // push to the edge then Embree sometimes misses casts. The reason // it's 2 epsilon is so Side == -Epsilon still gets pushed in properly point -= norm * (side + 2 * Epsilon); } } return point; } }