using System.Numerics; using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database; using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database.Chunks; using TinyEmbree; namespace KeepersCompound.Lightmapper; class Program { // Super simple for now private record Light { public Vector3 position; public Vector3 color; public float radius; public float r2; } static void Main(string[] args) { Timing.Reset(); var misPath = "/stuff/Games/thief/drive_c/GOG Games/TG ND 1.27 (MAPPING)/FMs/JAYRUDE_Tests/lm_test.cow"; misPath = "/stuff/Games/thief/drive_c/GOG Games/TG ND 1.27 (MAPPING)/FMs/AtdV/miss20.mis"; Timing.TimeStage("Total", () => LightmapMission(misPath)); Timing.LogAll(); } private static void LightmapMission(string misPath) { var mis = Timing.TimeStage("Parse DB", () => new DbFile(misPath)); var hierarchy = Timing.TimeStage("Build Hierarchy", () => BuildHierarchy(misPath, mis)); var lights = Timing.TimeStage("Gather Lights", () => BuildLightList(mis, hierarchy)); // Build embree mesh if (!mis.Chunks.TryGetValue("WREXT", out var wrRaw)) return; var worldRep = (WorldRep)wrRaw; var scene = Timing.TimeStage("Build Scene", () => { var rt = new Raytracer(); rt.AddMesh(BuildWrMesh(worldRep)); rt.CommitScene(); return rt; }); // For each lightmap pixel cast against all the brush and object lights if (!mis.Chunks.TryGetValue("RENDPARAMS", out var rendParamsRaw)) return; var ambient = ((RendParams)rendParamsRaw).ambientLight * 255; Timing.TimeStage("Light", () => CastScene(scene, worldRep, [.. lights], ambient)); var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(misPath); var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(misPath); var savePath = Path.Join(dir, $"{filename}-lit.cow"); Timing.TimeStage("Save DB", () => mis.Save(savePath)); Console.WriteLine($"Lit {lights.Count} light"); } // Expects Hue and Saturation are 0-1, Brightness 0-255 // private static Vector3 HsbToRgb(float hue, float saturation, float brightness) { hue *= 360; var hi = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(hue / 60)) % 6; var f = hue / 60 - Math.Floor(hue / 60); var v = Convert.ToInt32(brightness); var p = Convert.ToInt32(brightness * (1 - saturation)); var q = Convert.ToInt32(brightness * (1 - f * saturation)); var t = Convert.ToInt32(brightness * (1 - (1 - f) * saturation)); return hi switch { 0 => new Vector3(v, t, p), 1 => new Vector3(q, v, p), 2 => new Vector3(p, v, t), 3 => new Vector3(p, q, v), 4 => new Vector3(t, p, v), _ => new Vector3(v, p, q), }; } // Get list of brush lights, and object lights (ignore anim lights for now) private static List BuildLightList(DbFile mis, ObjectHierarchy hierarchy) { var lights = new List(); if (mis.Chunks.TryGetValue("BRLIST", out var brListRaw)) { var brList = (BrList)brListRaw; foreach (var brush in brList.Brushes) { if ( == BrList.Brush.Media.Light) { var sz = brush.size; lights.Add(new Light { position = brush.position, color = HsbToRgb(sz.Y, sz.Z, Math.Min(sz.X, 255.0f)), radius = float.MaxValue, r2 = float.MaxValue }); } else if ( == BrList.Brush.Media.Object) { var id = (int)brush.brushInfo; var propLight = hierarchy.GetProperty(id, "P$Light"); var propLightColor = hierarchy.GetProperty(id, "P$LightColo"); if (propLight != null) { propLightColor ??= new PropLightColor { Hue = 0, Saturation = 0 }; var light = new Light { position = brush.position, color = HsbToRgb(propLightColor.Hue, propLightColor.Saturation, propLight.Brightness), radius = propLight.Radius, r2 = propLight.Radius * propLight.Radius, }; if (propLight.Radius == 0) { light.radius = float.MaxValue; light.r2 = float.MaxValue; } lights.Add(light); } } } } return lights; } private static ObjectHierarchy BuildHierarchy(string misPath, DbFile misFile) { ObjectHierarchy objHierarchy; if (misFile.Chunks.TryGetValue("GAM_FILE", out var gamFileChunk)) { var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(misPath); var options = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive }; var name = ((GamFile)gamFileChunk).fileName; var paths = Directory.GetFiles(dir!, name, options); if (paths.Length > 0) { objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile, new DbFile(paths[0])); } else { objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile); } } else { objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile); } return objHierarchy; } private static TriangleMesh BuildWrMesh(WorldRep worldRep) { var vertices = new List(); var indices = new List(); var cells = worldRep.Cells; for (var cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < cells.Length; cellIdx++) { var cell = cells[cellIdx]; var numPolys = cell.PolyCount; var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount; var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount; // There's nothing to render if (numRenderPolys == 0 || numPortalPolys >= numPolys) { continue; } var maxPolyIdx = Math.Min(numRenderPolys, numPolys - numPortalPolys); var cellIdxOffset = 0; for (int polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < maxPolyIdx; polyIdx++) { var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx]; var meshIndexOffset = vertices.Count; var numPolyVertices = poly.VertexCount; for (var j = 0; j < numPolyVertices; j++) { var vertex = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset + j]]; vertices.Add(vertex); } for (int j = 1; j < numPolyVertices - 1; j++) { indices.Add(meshIndexOffset); indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j); indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j + 1); } cellIdxOffset += cell.Polys[polyIdx].VertexCount; } } return new TriangleMesh([.. vertices], [.. indices]); } private static void CastScene(Raytracer scene, WorldRep wr, Light[] lights, Vector3 ambientLight) { var cells = wr.Cells; for (var cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < cells.Length; cellIdx++) { Console.Write($"\rLighting cell... {cellIdx + 1}/{cells.Length}"); var cell = cells[cellIdx]; var numPolys = cell.PolyCount; var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount; var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount; // There's nothing to render // Portal polys can be render polys (e.g. water) but we're ignoring them for now if (numRenderPolys == 0 || numPortalPolys >= numPolys) { continue; } var maxPolyIdx = Math.Min(numRenderPolys, numPolys - numPortalPolys); var cellIdxOffset = 0; for (int polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < maxPolyIdx; polyIdx++) { var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx]; var plane = cell.Planes[poly.PlaneId]; var renderPoly = cell.RenderPolys[polyIdx]; var info = cell.LightList[polyIdx]; var lightmap = cell.Lightmaps[polyIdx]; ResetLightmap(ambientLight, lightmap); // Get world position of lightmap (0, 0) (+0.5 so we cast from the center of a pixel) var topLeft = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset]]; topLeft -= renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1 * (renderPoly.TextureBases.Item1 - info.Bases.Item1 * 0.25f); topLeft -= renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2 * (renderPoly.TextureBases.Item2 - info.Bases.Item2 * 0.25f); foreach (var light in lights) { // Check if plane normal is facing towards the light // If it's not then we're never going to be (directly) lit by this // light. var centerDirection = renderPoly.Center - light.position; if (Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, centerDirection) >= 0) { continue; } for (var y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++) { var pos = topLeft; pos += x * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1; pos += y * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2; // If we're out of range there's no point casting a ray // There's probably a better way to discard the entire lightmap // if we're massively out of range var direction = pos - light.position; if (direction.LengthSquared() > light.r2) { continue; } // We cast from the light to the pixel because the light has // no mesh in the scene to hit var hitResult = scene.Trace(new Ray { Origin = light.position, Direction = Vector3.Normalize(direction), }); // cheeky epsilon var hit = hitResult && Math.Abs(hitResult.Distance - direction.Length()) < 0.001; if (hit) { lightmap.AddLight(0, x, y, (byte)light.color.X, (byte)light.color.Y, (byte)light.color.Z); } } } } cellIdxOffset += poly.VertexCount; } } Console.Write("\n"); } private static void ResetLightmap(Vector3 ambientLight, WorldRep.Cell.Lightmap lightmap) { for (var i = 0; i < lightmap.Pixels.Length; i++) { lightmap.Pixels[i] = 0; } for (var y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++) { lightmap.AddLight(0, x, y, (byte)ambientLight.X, (byte)ambientLight.Y, (byte)ambientLight.Z); } } } }