
443 lines
15 KiB

using System.IO.Compression;
namespace KeepersCompound.LGS;
// TODO: Make this nicer to use!
// Rather than navigating through the path manager Context should hold the current campaign resources
// Campaign resources should be lazy loaded (only get the paths when we first set it as campaign)
// Campaign resources should extend off of the base game resources and just overwrite any resource paths it needs to
enum ConfigFile
public enum ResourceType
public class ResourcePathManager
public record CampaignResources
public bool initialised = false;
public string name;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _missionPathMap = [];
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _texturePathMap = [];
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _objectPathMap = [];
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> _objectTexturePathMap = [];
public List<string> GetResourceNames(ResourceType type)
List<string> keys = type switch
ResourceType.Mission => [.. _missionPathMap.Keys],
ResourceType.Object => [.. _objectPathMap.Keys],
ResourceType.ObjectTexture => [.. _objectTexturePathMap.Keys],
ResourceType.Texture => [.. _texturePathMap.Keys],
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type)),
return keys;
public string GetResourcePath(ResourceType type, string name)
var map = type switch
ResourceType.Mission => _missionPathMap,
ResourceType.Object => _objectPathMap,
ResourceType.ObjectTexture => _objectTexturePathMap,
ResourceType.Texture => _texturePathMap,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type)),
return map.TryGetValue(name.ToLower(), out var resourcePath) ? resourcePath : null;
public void Initialise(string misPath, string resPath)
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(misPath))
var convertedPath = ConvertSeparator(path);
var ext = Path.GetExtension(convertedPath).ToLower();
if (ext == ".mis" || ext == ".cow")
var baseName = Path.GetFileName(convertedPath).ToLower();
_missionPathMap[baseName] = convertedPath;
foreach (var (name, path) in GetTexturePaths(resPath))
_texturePathMap[name] = path;
foreach (var (name, path) in GetObjectPaths(resPath))
_objectPathMap[name] = path;
foreach (var (name, path) in GetObjectTexturePaths(resPath))
_objectTexturePathMap[name] = path;
public void Initialise(string misPath, string resPath, CampaignResources parent)
foreach (var (name, path) in parent._texturePathMap)
_texturePathMap[name] = path;
foreach (var (name, path) in parent._objectPathMap)
_objectPathMap[name] = path;
foreach (var (name, path) in parent._objectTexturePathMap)
_objectTexturePathMap[name] = path;
Initialise(misPath, resPath);
private bool _initialised = false;
private readonly string _extractionPath;
private string _fmsDir;
private CampaignResources _omResources;
private Dictionary<string, CampaignResources> _fmResources;
public ResourcePathManager(string extractionPath)
_extractionPath = extractionPath;
public static string ConvertSeparator(string path)
return path.Replace('\\', '/');
public void Init(string installPath)
// TODO:
// - Determine if folder is a thief install
// - Load all the (relevant) config files
// - Get base paths from configs
// - Build list of FM campaigns
// - Initialise OM campaign resource paths
// - Lazy load FM campaign resource paths (that inherit OM resources)
if (!DirContainsThiefExe(installPath))
throw new ArgumentException($"No Thief installation found at {installPath}", nameof(installPath));
// TODO: Should these paths be stored?
if (!TryGetConfigPaths(installPath, out var configPaths))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to find all installation config paths.");
// We need to know where all the texture and object resources are
var zipPaths = new List<string>();
var installCfgLines = File.ReadAllLines(configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.Install]);
FindConfigVar(installCfgLines, "resname_base", out var resPaths);
foreach (var resPath in resPaths.Split('+'))
var dir = Path.Join(installPath, ConvertSeparator(resPath));
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
var name = Path.GetFileName(path).ToLower();
if (name is "fam.crf" or "obj.crf")
// Do the extraction bro
// The path order is a priority order, so we don't want to overwrite any files when extracting
// TODO: Check if there's any problems caused by case sensitivity
foreach (var zipPath in zipPaths)
var resType = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipPath);
var extractPath = Path.Join(_extractionPath, resType);
ZipFile.OpenRead(zipPath).ExtractToDirectory(extractPath, false);
FindConfigVar(installCfgLines, "load_path", out var omsPath);
omsPath = Path.Join(installPath, ConvertSeparator(omsPath));
_omResources = new CampaignResources(); = "";
_omResources.Initialise(omsPath, _extractionPath);
var camModLines = File.ReadAllLines(configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.CamMod]);
FindConfigVar(camModLines, "fm_path", out var fmsPath, "FMs");
_fmsDir = Path.Join(installPath, fmsPath);
// Build up the map of FM campaigns. These are uninitialised, we just want
// to have their name
_fmResources = new Dictionary<string, CampaignResources>();
foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(_fmsDir))
var name = Path.GetFileName(dir);
var fmResource = new CampaignResources(); = name;
_fmResources.Add(name, fmResource);
_initialised = true;
public List<string> GetCampaignNames()
if (!_initialised) return null;
var names = new List<string>(_fmResources.Keys);
return names;
public CampaignResources GetCampaign(string campaignName)
if (campaignName == null || campaignName == "")
return _omResources;
else if (_fmResources.TryGetValue(campaignName, out var campaign))
if (!campaign.initialised)
var fmPath = Path.Join(_fmsDir, campaignName);
campaign.Initialise(fmPath, fmPath, _omResources);
return campaign;
throw new ArgumentException("No campaign found with given name", nameof(campaignName));
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetObjectTexturePaths(string root)
string[] validExtensions = { ".dds", ".png", ".tga", ".pcx", ".gif", ".bmp", ".cel", };
var dirOptions = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive };
var texOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
RecurseSubdirectories = true,
var pathMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(root, "obj", dirOptions))
foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*", texOptions))
var convertedPath = ConvertSeparator(path);
var ext = Path.GetExtension(convertedPath);
if (validExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
var key = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(convertedPath).ToLower();
pathMap.TryAdd(key, convertedPath);
return pathMap;
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetTexturePaths(string root)
string[] validExtensions = { ".dds", ".png", ".tga", ".pcx", ".gif", ".bmp", ".cel", };
var famOptions = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive };
var textureOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
RecurseSubdirectories = true,
var pathMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(root, "fam", famOptions))
foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*", textureOptions))
var convertedPath = ConvertSeparator(path);
var ext = Path.GetExtension(convertedPath);
if (validExtensions.Contains(ext.ToLower()))
var key = Path.GetRelativePath(root, convertedPath)[..^ext.Length].ToLower();
pathMap.TryAdd(key, convertedPath);
return pathMap;
private static Dictionary<string, string> GetObjectPaths(string root)
var dirOptions = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive };
var binOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
RecurseSubdirectories = true,
var pathMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(root, "obj", dirOptions))
foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.bin", binOptions))
var convertedPath = ConvertSeparator(path);
var key = Path.GetRelativePath(dir, convertedPath).ToLower();
pathMap.TryAdd(key, convertedPath);
return pathMap;
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the given directory contains a Thief executable at the top level.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">The directory to search</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if a Thief executable was found, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
private static bool DirContainsThiefExe(string dir)
var searchOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.exe", searchOptions))
var baseName = Path.GetFileName(path).ToLower();
if (baseName.Contains("thief"))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get an array of of all the Dark config file paths.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="installPath">Root directory of the Thief installation.</param>
/// <param name="configPaths">Output array of config file paths</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if all config files were found, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
private static bool TryGetConfigPaths(string installPath, out string[] configPaths)
configPaths = new string[(int)ConfigFile.ConfigFileCount];
var searchOptions = new EnumerationOptions
MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive,
// `cam.cfg`, `cam_ext.cfg`, and `cam_mod.ini` are always in the root of the install.
// The first two configs will tell us if any other configs are in non-default locations.
// We can't just do a recursive search for everything else because they can potentially
// be *outside* of the Thief installation.
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(installPath, "cam*", searchOptions))
var name = Path.GetFileName(path).ToLower();
if (name == "cam.cfg")
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.Cam] = path;
else if (name == "cam_ext.cfg")
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.CamExt] = path;
else if (name == "cam_mod.ini")
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.CamMod] = path;
var camExtLines = File.ReadAllLines(configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.CamExt]);
var camLines = File.ReadAllLines(configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.Cam]);
bool FindCamVar(string varName, out string value, string defaultValue = "")
return FindConfigVar(camExtLines, varName, out value, defaultValue) ||
FindConfigVar(camLines, varName, out value, defaultValue);
FindCamVar("include_path", out var includePath, "./");
FindCamVar("game", out var gameName);
FindCamVar($"{gameName}_include_install_cfg", out var installCfgName);
FindCamVar("include_user_cfg", out var userCfgName);
// TODO: How to handle case-insensitive absolute paths?
// Fixup the include path to "work" cross-platform
includePath = ConvertSeparator(includePath);
includePath = Path.Join(installPath, includePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(includePath))
return false;
foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(includePath, "*.cfg", searchOptions))
var name = Path.GetFileName(path).ToLower();
if (name == $"{gameName}.cfg")
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.Game] = path;
else if (name == installCfgName.ToLower())
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.Install] = path;
else if (name == userCfgName.ToLower())
configPaths[(int)ConfigFile.User] = path;
// Check we found everything
var i = 0;
foreach (var path in configPaths)
if (path == null || path == "")
return false;
return true;
private static bool FindConfigVar(string[] lines, string varName, out string value, string defaultValue = "")
value = defaultValue;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.StartsWith(varName))
value = line[(line.IndexOf(' ') + 1)..];
return true;
return false;