630 lines
26 KiB
630 lines
26 KiB
using System.Numerics;
using KeepersCompound.LGS;
using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database;
using KeepersCompound.LGS.Database.Chunks;
using TinyEmbree;
namespace KeepersCompound.Lightmapper;
class Program
// Super simple for now
private record Light
public Vector3 position;
public Vector3 color;
public float innerRadius;
public float radius;
public float r2;
public bool spotlight;
public Vector3 spotlightDir;
public float spotlightInnerAngle;
public float spotlightOuterAngle;
public int objId;
public int lightTableIndex;
public bool anim;
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Read this from args
var installPath = "/stuff/Games/thief/drive_c/GOG Games/TG ND 1.27 (MAPPING)/";
var campaignName = "JAYRUDE_Tests";
var missionName = "lm_test.cow";
// campaignName = "JAYRUDE_1MIL_Mages";
// campaignName = "TDP20AC_a_burrick_in_a_room";
// campaignName = "AtdV";
// missionName = "miss20.mis";
// Setup extract path
var tmpDir = Directory.CreateTempSubdirectory("KCLightmapper");
var resPathManager = new ResourcePathManager(tmpDir.FullName);
var campaign = resPathManager.GetCampaign(campaignName);
var misPath = campaign.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Mission, missionName);
Timing.TimeStage("Total", () => LightmapMission(campaign, misPath));
private static void LightmapMission(ResourcePathManager.CampaignResources campaign, string misPath)
var mis = Timing.TimeStage("Parse DB", () => new DbFile(misPath));
var hierarchy = Timing.TimeStage("Build Hierarchy", () => BuildHierarchy(misPath, mis));
// Build embree mesh
if (!mis.TryGetChunk<WorldRep>("WREXT", out var worldRep))
var scene = Timing.TimeStage("Build Scene", () =>
var rt = new Raytracer();
return rt;
// For each lightmap pixel cast against all the brush and object lights
if (!mis.TryGetChunk<RendParams>("RENDPARAMS", out var rendParams))
var ambient = rendParams.ambientLight * 255;
var lights = Timing.TimeStage("Gather Lights", () => BuildLightList(mis, hierarchy, campaign));
Timing.TimeStage("Set Light Indices", () => SetCellLightIndices(worldRep, [.. lights]));
Timing.TimeStage("Light", () => CastSceneParallel(scene, worldRep, [.. lights], ambient));
Timing.TimeStage("Update Anim Mapping", () => SetAnimLightCellMaps(mis, worldRep, lights));
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(misPath);
var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(misPath);
var savePath = Path.Join(dir, $"{filename}-lit.cow");
Timing.TimeStage("Save DB", () => mis.Save(savePath));
Console.WriteLine($"Lit {lights.Count} light");
private static void SetAnimLightCellMaps(
DbFile mis,
WorldRep worldRep,
List<Light> lights)
// Now that we've set all the per-cell stuff we need to aggregate the cell mappings
// We can't do this in parallel which is why it's being done afterwards rather than
// as we go
var map = new Dictionary<ushort, List<WorldRep.LightTable.AnimCellMap>>();
for (var i = 0; i < worldRep.Cells.Length; i++)
var cell = worldRep.Cells[i];
for (var j = 0; j < cell.AnimLightCount; j++)
var animLightIdx = cell.AnimLights[j];
if (!map.TryGetValue(animLightIdx, out var value))
value = [];
map[animLightIdx] = value;
value.Add(new WorldRep.LightTable.AnimCellMap
CellIndex = (ushort)i,
LightIndex = (ushort)j,
if (!mis.TryGetChunk<PropertyChunk<PropAnimLight>>("P$AnimLight", out var animLightChunk))
foreach (var (lightIdx, animCellMaps) in map)
// Get the appropriate property!!
var light = lights.Find((l) => l.anim && l.lightTableIndex == lightIdx);
foreach (var prop in animLightChunk.properties)
if (prop.objectId == light.objId)
prop.LightTableLightIndex = lightIdx;
prop.LightTableMapIndex = (ushort)worldRep.LightingTable.AnimMapCount;
prop.CellsReached = (ushort)animCellMaps.Count;
foreach (var animCellMap in animCellMaps)
// Gather all the brush, object, and anim ligths. Resets the lighting table
// TODO: Handle dynamic lights
private static List<Light> BuildLightList(
DbFile mis,
ObjectHierarchy hierarchy,
ResourcePathManager.CampaignResources campaign)
var lights = new List<Light>();
// Get the chunks we need
if (!mis.TryGetChunk<WorldRep>("WREXT", out var worldRep) ||
!mis.TryGetChunk<BrList>("BRLIST", out var brList))
return lights;
foreach (var brush in brList.Brushes)
if (brush.media == BrList.Brush.Media.Light)
// For some reason the light table index on brush lights is 1 indexed
brush.brushInfo = (uint)worldRep.LightingTable.LightCount + 1;
var sz = brush.size;
var light = new Light
position = brush.position,
color = Utils.HsbToRgb(sz.Y, sz.Z, Math.Min(sz.X, 255.0f)),
radius = float.MaxValue,
r2 = float.MaxValue,
lightTableIndex = worldRep.LightingTable.LightCount,
worldRep.LightingTable.AddLight(new WorldRep.LightTable.LightData
Location = light.position,
Direction = light.spotlightDir,
Color = light.color / 32.0f, // TODO: This is based on light_scale config var
InnerAngle = -1.0f,
Radius = 0,
else if (brush.media == BrList.Brush.Media.Object)
// TODO: Handle PropSpotlightAndAmbient
var id = (int)brush.brushInfo;
var propAnimLight = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropAnimLight>(id, "P$AnimLight", false);
var propLight = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropLight>(id, "P$Light", false);
var propLightColor = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropLightColor>(id, "P$LightColo");
var propSpotlight = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropSpotlight>(id, "P$Spotlight");
var propModelname = hierarchy.GetProperty<PropLabel>(id, "P$ModelName");
propLightColor ??= new PropLightColor { Hue = 0, Saturation = 0 };
var baseLight = new Light
position = brush.position,
spotlightDir = -Vector3.UnitZ,
spotlightInnerAngle = -1.0f,
if (propModelname != null)
var resName = $"{propModelname.value.ToLower()}.bin";
var modelPath = campaign.GetResourcePath(ResourceType.Object, resName);
if (modelPath != null)
// TODO: Handle failing to find model more gracefully
var model = new ModelFile(modelPath);
if (model.TryGetVhot(ModelFile.VhotId.LightPosition, out var vhot))
baseLight.position += vhot.Position;
if (model.TryGetVhot(ModelFile.VhotId.LightDirection, out vhot))
baseLight.spotlightDir = vhot.Position;
if (propSpotlight != null)
var rot = Matrix4x4.Identity;
rot *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationX(float.DegreesToRadians(brush.angle.X));
rot *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(float.DegreesToRadians(brush.angle.Y));
rot *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ(float.DegreesToRadians(brush.angle.Z));
baseLight.spotlight = true;
baseLight.spotlightDir = Vector3.Transform(baseLight.spotlightDir, rot);
baseLight.spotlightInnerAngle = (float)Math.Cos(float.DegreesToRadians(propSpotlight.InnerAngle));
baseLight.spotlightOuterAngle = (float)Math.Cos(float.DegreesToRadians(propSpotlight.OuterAngle));
if (propLight != null)
var light = new Light
position = baseLight.position + propLight.Offset,
color = Utils.HsbToRgb(propLightColor.Hue, propLightColor.Saturation, propLight.Brightness),
innerRadius = propLight.InnerRadius,
radius = propLight.Radius,
r2 = propLight.Radius * propLight.Radius,
spotlight = baseLight.spotlight,
spotlightDir = baseLight.spotlightDir,
spotlightInnerAngle = baseLight.spotlightInnerAngle,
spotlightOuterAngle = baseLight.spotlightOuterAngle,
lightTableIndex = worldRep.LightingTable.LightCount,
if (propLight.Radius == 0)
light.radius = float.MaxValue;
light.r2 = float.MaxValue;
worldRep.LightingTable.AddLight(new WorldRep.LightTable.LightData
Location = light.position,
Direction = light.spotlightDir,
Color = light.color / 32.0f, // TODO: This is based on light_scale config var
InnerAngle = light.spotlightInnerAngle,
OuterAngle = light.spotlightOuterAngle,
Radius = propLight.Radius,
if (propAnimLight != null)
var lightIndex = worldRep.LightingTable.LightCount;
propAnimLight.LightTableLightIndex = (ushort)lightIndex;
var light = new Light
position = baseLight.position + propAnimLight.Offset,
color = Utils.HsbToRgb(propLightColor.Hue, propLightColor.Saturation, propAnimLight.MaxBrightness),
innerRadius = propAnimLight.InnerRadius,
radius = propAnimLight.Radius,
r2 = propAnimLight.Radius * propAnimLight.Radius,
spotlight = baseLight.spotlight,
spotlightDir = baseLight.spotlightDir,
spotlightInnerAngle = baseLight.spotlightInnerAngle,
spotlightOuterAngle = baseLight.spotlightOuterAngle,
anim = true,
objId = id,
lightTableIndex = propAnimLight.LightTableLightIndex,
if (propAnimLight.Radius == 0)
light.radius = float.MaxValue;
light.r2 = float.MaxValue;
worldRep.LightingTable.AddLight(new WorldRep.LightTable.LightData
Location = light.position,
Direction = light.spotlightDir,
Color = light.color / 32.0f, // TODO: This is based on light_scale config var
InnerAngle = light.spotlightInnerAngle,
OuterAngle = light.spotlightOuterAngle,
Radius = propAnimLight.Radius,
return lights;
private static ObjectHierarchy BuildHierarchy(string misPath, DbFile misFile)
ObjectHierarchy objHierarchy;
if (misFile.TryGetChunk<GamFile>("GAM_FILE", out var gamFile))
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(misPath);
var options = new EnumerationOptions { MatchCasing = MatchCasing.CaseInsensitive };
var name = gamFile.fileName;
var paths = Directory.GetFiles(dir!, name, options);
if (paths.Length > 0)
objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile, new DbFile(paths[0]));
objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile);
objHierarchy = new ObjectHierarchy(misFile);
return objHierarchy;
private static TriangleMesh BuildWrMesh(WorldRep worldRep)
var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
var indices = new List<int>();
var cells = worldRep.Cells;
for (var cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < cells.Length; cellIdx++)
var cell = cells[cellIdx];
var numPolys = cell.PolyCount;
var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount;
var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount;
// There's nothing to render
if (numRenderPolys == 0 || numPortalPolys >= numPolys)
var maxPolyIdx = Math.Min(numRenderPolys, numPolys - numPortalPolys);
var cellIdxOffset = 0;
for (int polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < maxPolyIdx; polyIdx++)
var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx];
var meshIndexOffset = vertices.Count;
var numPolyVertices = poly.VertexCount;
for (var j = 0; j < numPolyVertices; j++)
var vertex = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset + j]];
for (int j = 1; j < numPolyVertices - 1; j++)
indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j);
indices.Add(meshIndexOffset + j + 1);
cellIdxOffset += cell.Polys[polyIdx].VertexCount;
return new TriangleMesh([.. vertices], [.. indices]);
private static void CastSceneParallel(Raytracer scene, WorldRep wr, Light[] lights, Vector3 ambientLight)
var hdr = wr.DataHeader.LightmapFormat == 2;
Parallel.ForEach(wr.Cells, cell =>
// Reset cell AnimLight palette
cell.AnimLightCount = 0;
var numPolys = cell.PolyCount;
var numRenderPolys = cell.RenderPolyCount;
var numPortalPolys = cell.PortalPolyCount;
// There's nothing to render
// Portal polys can be render polys (e.g. water) but we're ignoring them for now
if (numRenderPolys == 0 || numPortalPolys >= numPolys)
var maxPolyIdx = Math.Min(numRenderPolys, numPolys - numPortalPolys);
var cellIdxOffset = 0;
for (int polyIdx = 0; polyIdx < maxPolyIdx; polyIdx++)
var poly = cell.Polys[polyIdx];
var plane = cell.Planes[poly.PlaneId];
var renderPoly = cell.RenderPolys[polyIdx];
var info = cell.LightList[polyIdx];
var lightmap = cell.Lightmaps[polyIdx];
info.AnimLightBitmask = 0;
lightmap.Reset(ambientLight, hdr);
// Get world position of lightmap (0, 0) (+0.5 so we cast from the center of a pixel)
var topLeft = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset]];
topLeft -= renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1 * (renderPoly.TextureBases.Item1 - info.Bases.Item1 * 0.25f);
topLeft -= renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2 * (renderPoly.TextureBases.Item2 - info.Bases.Item2 * 0.25f);
var xDir = 0.25f * lightmap.Width * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1;
var yDir = 0.25f * lightmap.Height * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2;
var aabb = new MathUtils.Aabb([
topLeft + xDir,
topLeft + yDir,
topLeft + xDir + yDir,
// Used for clipping points to poly
var vs = new Vector3[poly.VertexCount];
for (var i = 0; i < poly.VertexCount; i++)
vs[i] = cell.Vertices[cell.Indices[cellIdxOffset + i]];
var planeMapper = new MathUtils.PlanePointMapper(plane.Normal, vs[0], vs[1]);
var v2ds = planeMapper.MapTo2d(vs);
foreach (var light in lights)
var layer = 0;
if (light.anim)
// Because we're building the AnimLightBitmask in this loop we
// know there aren't any layers set above us. So the target layer
// is just the number of set bits + 1.
layer = BitOperations.PopCount(info.AnimLightBitmask) + 1;
// Check if plane normal is facing towards the light
// If it's not then we're never going to be (directly) lit by this
// light.
var centerDirection = renderPoly.Center - light.position;
if (Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, centerDirection) >= 0)
// If there aren't *any* points on the plane that are in range of the light
// then none of the lightmap points will be so we can discard.
// The more compact a map is the less effective this is
var planeDist = MathUtils.DistanceFromPlane(plane, light.position);
if (planeDist > light.radius)
// If the poly of the lightmap doesn't intersect the light radius then
// none of the lightmap points will so we can discard.
if (!MathUtils.Intersects(new MathUtils.Sphere(light.position, light.radius), aabb))
for (var y = 0; y < lightmap.Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < lightmap.Width; x++)
var pos = topLeft;
pos += x * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item1;
pos += y * 0.25f * renderPoly.TextureVectors.Item2;
// We need to clip the point to slightly inside of the poly
// to avoid three problems:
// 1. Darkened spots from lightmap pixels who's center is outside
// of the polygon but is partially contained in the polygon
// 2. Darkened spots from linear filtering of points outside of the
// polygon which have missed
// 3. Darkened spots where centers are on the exact edge of a poly
// which can sometimes cause Embree to miss casts
var p2d = planeMapper.MapTo2d(pos);
p2d = MathUtils.ClipPointToPoly2d(p2d, v2ds);
pos = planeMapper.MapTo3d(p2d);
// If we're out of range there's no point casting a ray
// There's probably a better way to discard the entire lightmap
// if we're massively out of range
var direction = pos - light.position;
if (direction.LengthSquared() > light.r2)
// We cast from the light to the pixel because the light has
// no mesh in the scene to hit
var hitResult = scene.Trace(new Ray
Origin = light.position,
Direction = Vector3.Normalize(direction),
// cheeky epsilon
// TODO: Some pixels aren't hitting and I'm not sure why
var hit = hitResult && Math.Abs(hitResult.Distance - direction.Length()) < MathUtils.Epsilon;
if (hit)
// If we're an anim light there's a lot of stuff we need to update
// Firstly we need to add the light to the cells anim light palette
// Secondly we need to set the appropriate bit of the lightmap's
// bitmask. Finally we need to check if the lightmap needs another layer
if (light.anim)
// TODO: Don't recalculate this for every point lol
var paletteIdx = cell.AnimLights.IndexOf((ushort)light.lightTableIndex);
if (paletteIdx == -1)
paletteIdx = cell.AnimLightCount;
info.AnimLightBitmask |= 1u << paletteIdx;
if (layer >= lightmap.Layers)
var strength = CalculateLightStrengthAtPoint(light, pos, plane);
lightmap.AddLight(layer, x, y, light.color, strength, hdr);
cellIdxOffset += poly.VertexCount;
private static void SetCellLightIndices(WorldRep wr, Light[] lights)
// We set up light indices in separately from lighting because the actual
// lighting phase takes a lot of shortcuts that we don't want
Parallel.ForEach(wr.Cells, cell =>
cell.LightIndexCount = 0;
// The OG lightmapper uses the cell traversal to work out all the cells that
// are actually visited. We're a lot more coarse and just say if a cell is
// in range then we potentially affect the lighting in the cell and add it
// to the list. Cells already contain their sphere bounds so we just use
// that for now, but a tighter AABB is another option.
var cellSphere = new MathUtils.Sphere(cell.SphereCenter, cell.SphereRadius);
foreach (var light in lights)
if (MathUtils.Intersects(cellSphere, new MathUtils.Sphere(light.position, light.radius)))
private static float CalculateLightStrengthAtPoint(Light light, Vector3 point, Plane plane)
// Calculate light strength at a given point. As far as I can tell
// this is exact to Dark (I'm a genius??). It's just an inverse distance
// falloff with diffuse angle, except we have to scale the length.
var dir = light.position - point;
var angle = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(dir), plane.Normal);
var len = dir.Length();
var slen = len / 4.0f;
var strength = (angle + 1.0f) / slen;
// Inner radius starts a linear falloff to 0 at the radius
if (light.innerRadius != 0 && len > light.innerRadius)
strength *= (light.radius - len) / (light.radius - light.innerRadius);
// This is basically the same as how inner radius works. It just applies
// a linear falloff to 0 between the inner angle and outer angle.
if (light.spotlight)
var spotAngle = Vector3.Dot(-Vector3.Normalize(dir), light.spotlightDir);
var inner = light.spotlightInnerAngle;
var outer = light.spotlightOuterAngle;
// In an improperly configured spotlight inner and outer angles might be the
// same. So to avoid division by zero (and some clamping) we explicitly handle
// some cases
float spotlightMultiplier;
if (spotAngle >= inner)
spotlightMultiplier = 1.0f;
else if (spotAngle <= outer)
spotlightMultiplier = 0.0f;
spotlightMultiplier = (spotAngle - outer) / (inner - outer);
strength *= spotlightMultiplier;
return strength;
} |