Use Texture2dArray for lightmap texture
This commit is contained in:
@ -149,57 +149,45 @@ public class WorldRep : IChunk
public readonly byte[] AsBytesRgba()
public readonly byte[] AsBytesRgba(int layer)
var length = Width * Height * 4;
var bytes = new byte[length];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (layer >= Layers)
bytes[i] = 0;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(layer));
// TODO: might be faster to do these fors in the switch?
for (var z = 0; z < Layers; z++)
var length = Width * Height * 4;
var layerOffset = layer * Bpp * Width * Height;
var bytes = new byte[length];
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
var pIdx = 0 + x * Bpp + y * Bpp * Width + z * Bpp * Width * Height;
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
var a = 0;
var bIdx = x * 4 + y * 4 * Width;
var pIdx = x * Bpp + y * Bpp * Width + layerOffset;
switch (Bpp)
case 1:
var raw1 = Pixels[pIdx];
r = raw1;
g = raw1;
b = raw1;
a = 255;
bytes[bIdx] = raw1;
bytes[bIdx + 1] = raw1;
bytes[bIdx + 2] = raw1;
bytes[bIdx + 3] = 255;
case 2:
var raw2 = Pixels[pIdx] + (Pixels[pIdx + 1] << 8);
r = (int)(255 * (raw2 & 31) / 31.0f);
g = (int)(255 * ((raw2 >> 5) & 31) / 31.0f);
b = (int)(255 * ((raw2 >> 10) & 31) / 31.0f);
a = 255;
bytes[bIdx] = (byte)(255 * (raw2 & 31) / 31.0f);
bytes[bIdx + 1] = (byte)(255 * ((raw2 >> 5) & 31) / 31.0f);
bytes[bIdx + 2] = (byte)(255 * ((raw2 >> 10) & 31) / 31.0f);
bytes[bIdx + 3] = 255;
case 4:
r = Pixels[pIdx + 2];
g = Pixels[pIdx + 1];
b = Pixels[pIdx];
a = Pixels[pIdx + 3];
bytes[bIdx] = Pixels[pIdx + 2];
bytes[bIdx + 1] = Pixels[pIdx + 1];
bytes[bIdx + 2] = Pixels[pIdx];
bytes[bIdx + 3] = Pixels[pIdx + 3];
var bIdx = x * 4 + y * 4 * Width;
bytes[bIdx] = (byte)Math.Min(255, bytes[bIdx] + r);
bytes[bIdx + 1] = (byte)Math.Min(255, bytes[bIdx + 1] + g);
bytes[bIdx + 2] = (byte)Math.Min(255, bytes[bIdx + 2] + b);
bytes[bIdx + 3] = (byte)Math.Min(255, bytes[bIdx + 3] + a);
@ -282,7 +282,11 @@ public partial class Mission : Node3D
return new LightmapRectData(cellIdx, polyIdx, textureId, start, end);
private static Texture BuildLightmapTexture(WorldRep.Cell[] cells, PackingRectangle[] packingRects, Dictionary<int, LightmapRectData> rectDataMap, Dictionary<int, MeshSurfaceData> surfaceDataMap)
private static Texture2DArray BuildLightmapTexture(
WorldRep.Cell[] cells,
PackingRectangle[] packingRects,
Dictionary<int, LightmapRectData> rectDataMap,
Dictionary<int, MeshSurfaceData> surfaceDataMap)
var bounds = Timing.TimeStage("RectPack", () =>
@ -290,7 +294,16 @@ public partial class Mission : Node3D
return bounds;
GD.Print($"Creating lightmap with bounds: ({bounds.Width}, {bounds.Height})");
var image = Image.CreateEmpty((int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Height, false, Image.Format.Rgba8);
var lightmapFormat = Image.Format.Rgba8;
var lmLayerCount = 33;
var lmImages = new Godot.Collections.Array<Image>();
for (var i = 0; i < lmLayerCount; i++)
lmImages[i] = Image.CreateEmpty((int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Height, false, lightmapFormat);
foreach (var rect in packingRects)
if (!rectDataMap.ContainsKey(rect.Id)) GD.Print("Invalid rectDataMap key");
@ -298,9 +311,18 @@ public partial class Mission : Node3D
if (info.cellIndex >= cells.Length) GD.Print($"CellIndex too big: {info.cellIndex}/{cells.Length}");
if (info.lightmapIndex >= cells[info.cellIndex].Lightmaps.Length) GD.Print($"LightmapIndex too big: {info.lightmapIndex}/{cells[info.cellIndex].Lightmaps.Length}");
var lightmap = cells[info.cellIndex].Lightmaps[info.lightmapIndex];
var cellLm = Image.CreateFromData(lightmap.Width, lightmap.Height, false, Image.Format.Rgba8, lightmap.AsBytesRgba());
image.BlitRect(cellLm, new Rect2I(0, 0, lightmap.Width, lightmap.Height), new Vector2I((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y));
var width = lightmap.Width;
var height = lightmap.Height;
var layerCount = lightmap.Layers;
var srcRect = new Rect2I(0, 0, width, height);
var dst = new Vector2I((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y);
for (var i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
var cellLm = Image.CreateFromData(width, height, false, lightmapFormat, lightmap.AsBytesRgba(i));
lmImages[i].BlitRect(cellLm, srcRect, dst);
if (!surfaceDataMap.ContainsKey(info.textureId)) GD.Print("Invalid SurfaceDataMap key");
surfaceDataMap[info.textureId].TransformUv2s(info.uvStart, info.uvEnd, (uv) =>
@ -321,7 +343,9 @@ public partial class Mission : Node3D
return ImageTexture.CreateFromImage(image);
var lightmapTexture = new Texture2DArray();
return lightmapTexture;
private int CalcBaseUV(
@ -448,7 +472,7 @@ public partial class Mission : Node3D
const string MATERIAL_PATH = "res://project/materials/base.tres";
private static Material BuildMaterial(Texture albedoTexture, Texture lightmapTexture, bool lmHdr)
private static Material BuildMaterial(Texture2D albedoTexture, Texture2DArray lightmapTexture, bool lmHdr)
var material = ResourceLoader.Load<ShaderMaterial>(MATERIAL_PATH).Duplicate() as ShaderMaterial;
material.SetShaderParameter("texture_albedo", albedoTexture);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
code = "shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix,depth_draw_opaque,cull_back,unshaded;
uniform sampler2D texture_albedo : filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2D lightmap_albedo : filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2DArray lightmap_albedo : filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
uniform bool lightmap_2x;
float srgb_to_linear_e(float input) {
@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ vec3 srgb_to_linear(vec3 input) {
void fragment() {
vec4 albedo_tex = texture(texture_albedo,UV);
vec4 lightmap_tex = texture(lightmap_albedo,UV2);
vec4 lightmap_tex = vec4(0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
lightmap_tex += texture(lightmap_albedo, vec3(UV2, float(i)));
lightmap_tex = min(vec4(1.0), lightmap_tex);
if (lightmap_2x) {
lightmap_tex *= 2.0f;
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